Page 25 of Sugar Rush

"I thought it'd be here," Taj replied around the sweet, a cute bulge in his red cheek. "I never knew the exact place to find the entrance."

"That's helpful," Arkan sighed, walking around the podium, testing the steps with the edge of his boots. "It doesn't look like anything's here. Is it possible your father…"

But I tuned him out, turning in a circle with my hand lifted to scatter light across the wide space. Why wasn't it dusty? There were cobwebs, and it was completely silent—visibly abandoned. But there was no coating of dust. Why?

We should have left footprints in a dense layer of dust if the people who lived here were well gone. I frowned at a gleaming purple glow at the very edge of the courtyard, through a doorway to another room.

That wasn't a natural glow, so technology then?

Maybe teenagers used this place to hook up. That would explain why there was no dust. They must clean up after themselves. Right?3

I left Ark and Taj to explore the podium, and walked across the wide space towards that purple light. Was it a watch? Ooh, what about an old Tamagotchi? Teenagers probably didn't play with them anymore, but I'd wanted one forever.

Please be a Tamagotchi, please be a Tamagotchi…

The Tamagotchi's lights winked out for a moment before glowing bright again, almost like a…

"Like a blink," I whispered, rearing back a step. "Eyes!" I screamed to my mates. "Eyes! There are eyes!"

"What are you going on about?" Taj muttered, stalking over to meet me when I retreated in a rush, unable to drag my attention from those glowing purple spots.

"Not to alarm you," I breathed, adrenaline pouring into my system, "but those purple lights justblinkedat me."

"Get behind me," Arkan ordered, rushing in front of us in full wraith glory.4

Taj groaned and pointed out, "There are more lights now. Six, eight, ten, I've lost count."

"You really need to go back to school if you're losing count at ten," I quipped, and ignored the disbelieving look he shot at me.

"I make thirty lights. If they're eyes, there are fifteen people," Arkan said coolly, the bond between us flooded with cold, steely determination.

"I love a man who can count," I purred. "Counting is sexy."

Taj made a throaty sound. "Now is not the time for flirting!"

I rolled my eyes and turned to look at the rest of the room. I was freaked out and I needed distraction; now was thebesttime for flirting. "Shit, there are more back here. How many corridors feed into this room?"

"Too many," Arkan replied.

"Six," Taj input. "I counted six, including the one we entered by which is—alsofull of glowing purple eyes. Fuckingperfect."

I swallowed and drew up more fire. "Fine. This is fine. We're total badasses; we got this."

"There's not supposed to be anyone here," Taj muttered, backing up until his spine pressed against mine.5

"They're coming closer," Arkan warned. "Get ready."

I nodded, but my heart was racing a marathon and I couldn't get it to calm. Even as I called up enough fire to form a spear, getting distinct flashbacks to fighting Eidolon in the throne room, my heart pounded. My breathing raced. My hands started to shake.

The purple eyes came at us from all angles and it was like—it was like London, being surrounded by people. Demons in terrifying shapes and forms everywhere I looked, bumping me as they fled, staring at me in horror as I slashed throats and stomachs, an unending sea of people who wanted to kill me before I could kill them and—

"Avie," Taj breathed, his voice piercing the memory like a pin in a bubble.

I gasped, coming back to the court to find I was taller, stronger, and much, muchspikier.

"Shit," I groaned, my voice rough, growly, and deep. "Shit. How did—?"

"You panicked," Arkan said gently, his back to us as he faced down to the purple glowing eyes all around us.