Page 127 of Sugar Rush

Joseph laughed indulgently, stroking my knuckles with his sore fingertips. I'd get the truth out of him about that if it killed me. I had the whole walk back to interrogate him.

Yay,more walking. I loved walking. Especially when it was hot, and I was sweaty, and my clothes were stuck to my skin.

"Thank you for carrying my rug," I murmured, pulling my sticky shirt away from my hot stomach and giving Taj heart-eyes.

He groaned. "Don't make a big deal of it."

I absolutely made a big deal of it.

* * *

"Wait here,"Joseph ordered when we got back to my suite and I made a beeline for the stairs. I needed a shower; I was covered in sweat anddust,my old heinous enemy.

I opened my mouth to complain, but he added, "I was going to give you this tomorrow when I had a chance to wash it, but since you've been a demanding brat, you can have it now."

I raised my eyebrows as he hurried out the door, presumably to his rooms. We had plans to make a huge suite with space for all of us and an even more enormous bed so I could have them all with me when I slept. But the sex ban also included ano heavy liftingrule, and I didn't trust anyone else in my suite.

Taj threw himself onto my sofa with a groan, dropping my new pink rug onto the floor and running his hands through his long hair. It was slick with sweat, like the rest of him, and I was not mad at the new look. I trailed my eyes down his heaving chest, so much bronze skin on display.

"No," he growled in a low, foreboding rumble. "No sex. Not for a week."

I made a sulky face, crossing my arms over my chest and looking expectantly at the door when Joseph burst back into the living room.

Embarrassment and hesitant happiness filled the bond, infecting me with giddiness when I realised he hid something behind his broad back.

"Don't get your hopes up," he said, swallowing, which only made me get my hopes upmore."I don't know how to sew, and I know I fucked up in a million places, and it still needs to be cleaned—"

"Just show her already," Taj huffed from the sofa.

I looked between them. Whatever sneaky shit Joseph had been up to, Taj knew about it, which meant they all did. Secretive bastards.

I held my hands out expectantly and gave Joseph a big smile. "Whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it."

I was sappy enough to love a rock if he gave one to me.

But it wasn't a rock. The second I saw the dirty pastel-rainbow bear in his hands, I burst into tears. Her head had been sewn back on wonky, with visible, chunky stitches in black thread, but she waswhole.

"You—you—" I choked out between sobs, my vision blurred and my nose instantly snotty.

Joseph pressed Eileen into my hands and wrapped his arms around me, squeezing tight. "So I did an okay job?"

That only made me cry harder. "The best job. I love—love you—so much."

"Told you she'd love it," Taj remarked, and pushed off the sofa with a groan. "I'm using the shower."

"Hey, no!" I shouted, blinking back more tears. "You have your own room; useyourshower!"

He was already gone. Bastard.

But I forgot about being sweaty and dusty when I peered between me and Joseph where my best girl was back, in one piece, and cooler than ever. She was edgy now with her dark stitches, and one of a kind.

"I really, really, really,reallylove her," I told Joejoe. "I thought—I thought she was gone forever."

"I went to find her after you passed out," he murmured, scattering kisses across the top of my head, gentle on the hairless patch that hadn't grown back yet. "I knew she was important to you."

I sniffled and hugged him tighter. "You're the best cuddle monster I could ever ask for. I love you more than waffles."

"I love you more than pancakes," he replied seriously.