Page 120 of Sugar Rush

"I'm going to murder you," I choked out, my eyes swimming with tears as I stared atArkan Ellery,not dead, not staring sightlessly, but watching me with fierce love and a determination that rivalled even my stubbornness. "Serious murdering," I threatened, choking on a sob when he carefully pulled me into a hug. "I'll cut your dick off. Slit your throat. Punch you right in the shadows."

"Shhh," he soothed, running his hand down the back of my head, letting out a long breath when I hugged him so tightly my fingers threatened to break. One actually broke, but I chose to ignore it. I was in so much pain, it barely registered. "I never left you. I was here the whole time."

He drew back, the love on his pale, severe face replaced by something dark and furious. "I saw everything, you stupid,stupidwoman. And there will be repercussions for sacrificing yourself to save me."

"Like orgasms?" I asked hopefully.

His expression flattened. "Yes."

Oh, that was good … wasn’t it?


Not good. Definitely not good.

"You wouldn't dare," I breathed, true horror drenching the fire in my body. When he only held eye contact, unyielding, I whispered, "You monster."

Arkan’s lips twitched in a half-smile that melted my whole fucking soul. He kissed my temple and let go. I, however, did not.5"You’re not allowed to leave me," I rasped, and ignored the flash of images the orb and crown pushed at me.Butt out, I'm having a private conversation."Not ever. I strictly forbid it."

"He's weakened," Ark murmured, brushing my burned jaw with the back of a knuckle. "We can end him."

"Yes,we,"I agreed fiercely, getting to my feet like a poised, dignified ballerina.6"Let's go."

Ark glanced over my head; Dev's arms tightened around me.

"This is uncalled for," I muttered when Ark got to his feet, and Dev held me as I struggled and kicked out with all my strength. I was so empty and exhausted, it was more a flailing wiggle than a fight, butI put up a wigglewasn't a saying. Maybe I should start my own dictionary.

"They can do this," Dev rumbled, his lips by my ear. "But any more magic, and you'll crumble away. Not a single one of us will risk that."

I muttered unintelligibly, my gaze glued to Arkan as he rushed across the fairground in a blur of shadows and slammed into the bloody grass behind Eidolon's. Hey, at least the bastard was bleeding. But my breath caught on a sharp inhale when I saw the rest of our circle were fighting him.

Taj had lost a horn, the edge of it jagged and raw, and blood dripped down the side of his face from a cut at his temple. Joseph slashed his scythe with his right hand, his left pressed to his ribs where an injury hid and his dark brow knotted with clear pain.

"Let me go, Dev," I growled.

"The killing blow is yours," he replied, his lips brushing my ear. "But you've done enough, Avie. Let us help."

"If I let youhelp,you'll die again," I hissed, an ache driving through my bond with Arkan when he collided with Eidolon, wrapping his shadows around his throat. I felt his concentration, felt how hard he fought to subdue the monstrous bastard. I could have told him it wouldn't work.

"Ark!" I rasped, my hoarse cry barely carrying to where my mates and Eidolon fought near a dark booth. Oh, look at that. It was the booth where I killed the prince of hell.

My voice was too quiet, but alarm must have reached him through the bond because he threw himself to the side and knocked into Taj, who grabbed him and steadied him just before Eidolon swung his arm and a vicious sword appeared from thin air.

"That's my damn sword," Dev rumbled.

"I'll get it back for you," I offered, and tugged weakly at his hold. Not because I didn't want to escape, but because Iwasweak. I jumped when the unhinged carnival music blared louder, like someone had turned up the volume, and I shook hard when Eidolon swung Dev's sword at Joseph. My mate jumped back, avoiding the gutting blow but unable to move before it drew blood from his side.

A growl rattled my throat, pain flaring through my head as my power roared. Ever since I agreed to be the relics' queen, the pain had been moreI'm going to diethanI'm a walking corpse,like it was trying to help. Or like it wanted Eidolon dead as much as I did.

"Where are our armies?" I asked, using a burst of energy I couldn't afford to throw myself against the cage of Dev's arms.

"Occupied," Dev replied shortly, grunting when I elbowed him.

I went feral when Eidolon thrust Dev’s sword forward and magic travelled down the steel, the blade flashing sickly green. He'd … envenomed the blade. I was going to throw up.

One cut, and my mates would be paralysed, easy kills.

"Dev," I breathed. "We have to help them.Now."