Page 113 of Sugar Rush

Of what?

I sent a pulse of heat and pure, limitless power through my hand into him, and he roared so loudly my ears hurt.

The burning metal against my palm registered. Let go of his throat—orthe necklace I felt under my hand?

Babygirl,Dev pleaded.He's not worth losing you. Stop; we'll find another way. I promise we'll kill him, just stop. Please.

My chest tightened at the rawness of his voice. I knew, beneath the pain and power that ruled my body, he'd be tugging on the bond between our souls, and my other mates would be doing the same.

You need to jump,he ordered as if sensing my moment of weakness.

Are you crazy?I gasped, my eyeballs burning as power soared from the circle bond, through me, and into Eidolon. His knees buckled. I was almost there. He was almost dead. I curled my fingers around the metal charm dangling from his neck.I'm fifty feet in the air!

And you're going to die if you keep channelling this power,Dev growled, his voice frayed.You put your trust in me; nowtrust me.Jump.

Blood roared in my ears. Flames pounded through my body, each flicker like a stab to my vulnerable insides

Please,he begged.He's weakened; it's enough. Let us finish him for you.Please,sweetheart. Please.

I choked on my next breath, staring directly into Christian's eyes. Blood coated my tongue as the orb's power scorched even my mouth.

"See ya," I rasped, and ripped the pendant from his neck, throwing myself over the side of the rollercoaster.

I dropped through open, brutal air. The fall was as endless as the pain ravaging my whole body.


My soul was fractured into shards and broken pieces, and as I crashed through the air, I knew my body was about to match it.1

Trust me.

Dev's voice rumbled through my mind, a pure command, but I couldn't tell if it was an echo of his words or if he was still speaking to me. All I knew was my chest hurt, my stomach screamed, my shoulders throbbed, and even my little toes crackled with pain. My throat was raw, my eyes stabbing all over, and even my tonsils were scorched and bloody.

In retrospect, I'd probably taken too much power into myself. No wonder X had been able to blast Eidolon's entire army to bloodpies. This power was insane.

Shadows wrapped around me, caressing my scalded cheek, and I sagged with a sigh. At least the pain would end.

Hi, death,I greeted.Bet you thought we'd meet a long time ago, huh? Sorry I'm late.

My body slammed into something hard enough to jostle my charred bones, and I groaned.

Awful service, the road's too bumpy. I will not be recommending this afterlife on TripAdvisor.

"I've got you, babygirl," Dev promised, a soft kiss glancing off the burned wasteland of my forehead.

"Why are you here?" I groaned, my eyes glued shut. "Go back to living land."

"She's delusional," Taj blurted. "What do we do? What if she's got brain damage? What if the magic broke her?"

"Already broken, thank you very much," I mumbled. "Also, go away. You're not supposed to be dead."

"None of us are dead, princess," Arkan argued, his voice rough and emotional. He wasn't supposed to be rough and emotional. What was going on?

You almost died, and we felt every second of it,Dev said inside my head, heavy on the disapproval. My stomach twisted.

I was trying to save you,I whined.Don't be mad.

"Get the orb ready," Joseph growled at someone. "We need to get that power out of hernow."