Page 60 of Sugar Rush

"—fuck are you even doing, Shira?" Sinjin hissed, his face a darker red, as if he was worked up.

Well, he was about to get even more worked up.

I didn't fuck about; I slammed into him, grabbed his throat, and bashed his head against the wall.

"I knew you were a spiteful bastard," I hissed, "but working with Eidolon? Did you make this green cloud shit? Are you why the castle’s shaking?"

"No," he spat. Literally—droplets of saliva splattered my face. Gross. "I can't stand that sanctimonious bastard. Put me the fuckdown."

"I'd rather rip out your innards," I replied flatly, squeezing his throat harder. I couldn't tell if his face was growing red; it was already red.

"Stop," Shira pleaded, gripping my arm. "Please.Please,don't hurt him."

"Your brother's a traitor," I snarled, not looking away from the mean bastard. Sinjin had always been an asshole, but I thought he was loyal. He'd managed Taj’s and Dev’s treatments, for fuck's sake. "Did you sabotage my mates' care?" I demanded, magic building an inferno inside me.

"No," he growled, appalled even as he struggled for air. "No, I fucking didn't."

I released his throat only to shove him hard, sending him flying into a marble counter full of empty jars and glass tubes.

His head slammed into a solid steel tap hard enough to make water drum into the metal sink.

My heart beat faster.

"You better hope you're telling the truth," I rumbled, my hands itching with the urge to rip out his throat. But if I did that, we'd lose a lead on Eidolon.

"Please don't kill him," Shira pleaded, her eyes wild and hair less than perfect for once. I'dreallyfreaked her out.

I sighed, giving her a quick, apologetic look. She was Bel's girlfriend, and Bel was Taj's cousin, so Shira was weirdly family. I didn't have a whole lot of family to go around, so I valued what I had.

"I can't promise that," I replied, but still vicious, still snarling. "If he hadanythingto do with helping Eidolon hurt my mates, he's dead."

I jumped when a shadow fell across the doorway. Taj.

"He's still alive?" he asked, surprised.

"I want to know why his friend was here, and what they're planning. You can find out, right?"

Shira went strangely pale, her red skin bleached of all vibrancy.

"I can find out," Taj agreed, his eyes dark with violence when he looked at Sinjin.

"I didn't fuckingdoanything," the bastard hissed. "I'm not a traitor. I've been loyal to you since I was fuckingborn,Taj, and the same with your father. I'd never do anything to threaten you."

I shook my head, brushing past Taj through the doorway, and squeezing his hand for strength, for stability. He cast me a quick glance.You okay?

I dipped my head. "Just need my magic to chill the fuck out."

A calculating gleam entered his eyes, followed by a wicked smile.

"What?" I asked, suspicious.

"You're worked up and deadly right now, and we have a threatening cloud outside. Discharge your power into it."

I blinked. "Holy shit, you're a genius."

His face softened, surprise making him almost shy. Clearly, I needed to compliment him more often. I pointed a clawed finger at Sinjin in warning, fire flickering at the tip, and kissed Taj quickly. I didn't dare anything else; Sinjin would probably bury a knife in our backs just to drive the betrayal truly home.

"Please don't do this," Shira breathed, choked up. "Sinjin would never hurt anyone."