Page 27 of Sugar Rush

My eyes brightened as it occurred to me that I could get these fuzzy, cute demons to do literally anything.

"Whatever you're thinking about," Taj remarked, helping me up, "I'm highly disturbed by it."

I batted my lashes at him, pretending innocence, and—

"Hey! My eyelashes are longer.Hell yes—no more mascara. Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's a psychopath experimenting on her as a child until she takes on a demon form."

"Catchy," Taj remarked, but I didn't miss the way fire flashed in his eyes at the reminder of what Eidolon did to me. He bent, pressing his lips to my head, and I was thrilled to realise I was only a little bit shorter than him. Oh my god, I bet I could reach high cupboards now. The top shelf of the supermarket was no longer an enemy, but a co-conspirator.

"Careful," Taj barked when I took a step and put my foot down too fast for my new long legs.

I shot him a sulky glare, to which he smirked. Why was he smirking? A trill of nerves went through me.

"Everything's new in this form, isn't it?" he asked, something sneaky in his eyes as his hand glided down my back and squeezed my ass. "So many new things to experience, so many new sensations."

I glared harder. "We're in an abandoned castle, looking for a secret underground city; now's not the time to be seducing me."

I was aware I was a hypocrite for flirting earlier, but that was a lady’s prerogative.

His lips glided up my neck, sending a violent shudder through my body when he kissed just behind my ear. "I want all your firsts, Lina. Your first kiss in this form, your first orgasm. Fuck, even your first punch. I want to be the first person you do everything with."

"You're not right in the head, you know that?" I asked, but my voice was husky and weak.

He kissed my neck, scraped his teeth down to my collarbone, and didn't care about the tiny teddy bears watching us. "That must be why you like me."

"Nah, I'm just in it for the dogs," I teased.

He snorted—and bit my neck.

I hissed, rearing back, but Taj held me in place so he could carefully withdraw his teeth and kiss the bite.

"Liar," he whispered against my skin. "And you're always safe with me, pretty killer, whether we're in an abandoned castle or our home back in Orchid Vale."

Our home. Woah, that sounded nice.

"The Thenawists will lead us to the entrance," Arkan called. "If you're done."

"Hey," I complained. "This was allhim;I was just an accidental bystander."

Taj snorted. "Then why are you wet?"

"I'm as dry as a desert," I replied sweetly. Emphasis on thelied.

I shoved Taj away, ignoring the bead of blood on his lip that turned me all the way on, and approached Arkan where he waited, stiff backed, by the teddy bears. I hesitated a moment before wrapping my big, red hand around his, and was rewarded for my bravery with the softening of his blue eyes.

He lifted our hands so he could kiss my knuckles. They were blunt, brutal knuckles, not pretty, dainty knuckles, but he didn't seem to care. My heart fluttered.

"He can have my first orgasm; you can have my first demon kiss," I murmured, my ears tingling. Oh great, when I got embarrassed my ears stung in this form.

"No,"Taj argued gutturally, launching after us faster than I’d thought possible. "I want your kiss."

Amusement tumbled through Arkan's soul, and he inclined his head to Taj. "I'm happy with that arrangement if my princess is. Or should I amend that to my goddess?"

I groaned. "Don't you start."

I faced the Thenawist demons and gave a little wave. "Hi. I'm Avie." They exploded into excited noise, so I went on, "My mate says you can show us the entrance to the city. That’d be great. Much obliged."

A fuzzy demon at the front of the crowd met my eyes and fainted. I felt like a rockstar, and couldn't keep the smile off my face. First, a demon leader wanted to marry me to her son because I was so awesome, and now I was a goddess. Hell was working out pretty well for me.