Page 122 of Sugar Rush

Air whooshed when my wyvern dove, fast enough to make pink hair dance around my face. Hey, I still had hair; that was cool.

Eidolon roared when the creature struck his head and tore him down the middle. My heart thudded dangerously fast, the magic's exhilaration pounding through me.

But I let go, stumbling back a step and walking on wobbly feet around my psycho abductor. Instinct roared at me, along with the gnawing ache of absence. We'd all hit him with power, but X hung back, shaking.

Wordless, I slumped into him and held him as tightly as my noodle arms would allow. "It's okay," I breathed, my eyes heavy.

X's breath shuddered as he inhaled "He—his power touched me and I can't—"

"It's okay," I repeated, turning when he hugged me tight and squeezing his forearm where it rested over my stomach. Uck, I got a glimpse of the red, raw ooziness of my skin and quickly looked away. I looked like an over-barbecued pig. "I promise, X, it's okay."

"I have all this power," he gasped, breathing faster, sharper, "and I can't—I'm too useless—"

"No," I growled, hating that word, hating that it was carved into his shoulder blades. "You arenotuseless. And who says a person has to have a use, anyway? You're perfect as you are, and you've been throughenough.If you're useless, I am too, and proud."

Eidolon screamed, and I snapped my head up just in time to see Arkan rip his shadows out of the bastard's throat so my wyvern could dive teeth-first, snap his jaw, and suffocate him with fire. I might have been exhausted, but nothing could stop my vicious smile.

"I want to hurt him," X admitted quietly.

I linked my fingers with X's and squeezed, lifting my fire dagger with my other hand—holding it out to him. I half expected it to collapse when he took hold of the handle, but he was my mate, and our souls were the same.

X sucked in a breath that shuddered—a laugh, not a cry, I was relieved to realise—and gripped the knife tightly.

"The killing blow is saved for me," I told him, giving him a look of pure understanding as I wound my fingers over his so we both held the knife. "But I think we should share it."

His bottom lip wobbled, eyes welling with tears that streaked down his scarred face. He kissed my cheek, smearing his lips with my blood, and nodded silently.

The only things holding Eidolon together were magic and malice.8I felt the pulse of victory when my wyvern found the core of his power and incinerated it.

It was time.

"Together," I breathed, locking eyes with X. The strength and rage in his eyes was breathtaking.

"Now,Avie," Dev growled, urgency slamming into my soul.

"Together," X rasped.

"So, what are you thinking?" I asked lightly. "Stab him in the heart? Right in the eye? Personally, I think we should hack his head off."

He choked out a laugh, like I'd hoped he would, and gave me a watery smile. "Slit his throat, then decapitate him?"

"I love the way you think," I breathed and kissed him.

"Aveline!" Dev roared.

"Lina, come the fuckon,"Taj barked.

These Amora men; so bossy.

X and I swung towards the bastard who'd tried to break us—Eidolon, not Taj obviously—and dragged the flaming dagger across his neck. I squeezed X's hand, looking my abuser dead in the eye as my wyvern tore out of his stomach in a blaze of purple and orange flames.

Blood and bone erupted everywhere, and X's hand flexed under mine. We tore the blade out and drove it back in, over and over, until Eidolon's ugly green head hung by a single tendon.

My wyvern beat its wings, and images flashed through my head, death after death. Message received. He was mortal; killable.

I tightened my fingers around X's, power crashing around inside me, painful but bearable. There was a tiny wisp of life clinging to Eidolon, to Christian Lachesi, to my dad, but as his body dropped to the floor, the wyvern's fire leaving him a charred, blackened husk, X and I drove our knife through that last shred.

His presence vanished, and for the first time the weight that pressed on my chest lifted. I'd gotten so used to its heft and crush that I stumbled when it was gone, gasping down air, my head spinning.