“You guys are legends. I love Mirabel’s mermaid song. It’s amazing.”

“Yeah. She’s so talented and creative.”

“So are you. You’re such a skilled musician. Are you still teaching children?”

She nodded. “I love it. We’ve got a concert coming up. Mirabel and Ethan’s boy, Cian, is playing a tune. He’s talented for a five-year-old.”

My eyebrows rose. “Wow. That’s young.”

“That’s how prodigies are made.”

“His parents want him to become a concert pianist?” I asked.

“I don’t think they mind what he becomes. But he seems to enjoy it, and he practices.”

“And is Julian also musical?” I cast an eye at Declan’s little double.

He threw the ball for the unstoppable canine, Freddie, whose whole meaning in life seemed to revolve around chasing that ball.

“He’s a little too distracted to practice.” She shrugged. “I don’t mind. There are a ton of musicians in the world. He seems more obsessed with planes and trains.”

I laughed. That sounded like me as a kid.

Julian tugged at my leg. “I’m taking swimming lessons today.” He looked all excited.

Theadora laughed. “He loves the water. Cary’s teaching him.”

“Really?” That took me by surprise. “Whenever I run into him at Merivale, he’s either writing on a notepad or reading.”

“I guess that makes sense. He’s a writer. Apparently, he was a champion swimmer in his young Eton days and even trained swimmers for a while.”

“Gee, that’s unexpected. I know little about him. I guess I know little about everyone here. Except for Declan and Carson, of course.”

“There are a ton of secrets.” She giggled. “I suppose you can’t have a family history going back hundreds of years and not expect all kinds of hidden information locked away.” She held my stare. “Speaking of secrets, have you seen those heavies hanging around Salon Soir?”

That shot ringing past my ear was still causing me nightmares and night sweats.

“I’ve seen a few guys coming and going. But I’m no longer there.”

“Oh? I thought you were doing security. Every time I’ve been there, you’ve been working as a bouncer.”

A bead of sweat that had nothing to do with my running dripped down my neck. “I’ve moved on. I’ll work for Carson’s team when he offers the odd gig, but I’m happy at the farm.”

“Declan’s happy to have you.” She smiled. “Rumour has it that drug dealers are laundering their money at the casino.”

Theadora seemed determined to keep the discussion open.

“I saw all manner of people coming and going. I’m just happy to be out of there.”

She nodded. “Julian, come along.”

Her son raced off down their path, chasing Freddie.

“We’ll see you tonight, then,” she added.

She kissed me on the cheek, and I ran off.

I’d forgotten to ask if they had invited Manon. My heart hoped so, as did my body. My head, however, was in another universe. Crisp wasn’t someone to fuck with. But I hated being told what to do. My mother was the only person who had that privilege.