Page 80 of Wicked Vow

Connor frowns. “Surprisingly, no. I agree with Niall, as much as it pains me to say it. If Elena is left there, she’s a card that Diego can play. All he has to do is get ahold of her, and he can use that to his advantage. We all know Ricardo Santiago will fold if his daughter is threatened–from experience.” He looks at Niall, who shrugs.

“Aye, and it’s not a negative character trait, in my opinion,” Niall says dryly.

“Well then, who should go?”

The other Kings start to speak up at once, the voices rising in a din of conversation. “Niall!” is called out more than once, and there’s a murmur of assent. “Aye, send him back. If he’s so worried about his wife’s sister, let him rescue the lass.”

“Isabella is pregnant. Luca just said that.”

All of the heads at the table turn towards me as I speak–the first time I’ve spoken up throughout this meeting–purely because it didn’t seem to me that there was much for me to add.

“It’s my opinion,” I say coolly, glancing around the table, “that we not send a man with a pregnant wife into what the rest of you have termed a ‘war zone.’”

There’s a moment’s silence, and then one of the Kings gestures at me.

“Aye, and are you volunteering to go yourself?”

“I am.”

The words come out before I’m entirely certain that I want to say them, but it’s hardly a surprise–to me or to anyone else. I’m not inclined to take them back.

“Well, that’s not unexpected,” Connor says dryly. “If there were ever a man with a soft spot for damsels in distress, it’s you, Volkov. You’ve already helped save Anastasia and Sasha. Are you going for the trifecta now?”

I refuse to take the bait, though I know he’s doing his damnedest. Connor and I aren’t enemies, but we’re also not the best of friends.

“I’d agree with Jacob that no man should be volunteered for a job like this simply because he doesn’t have a wife and children at home to come back to. An empty bed is still a bed most men would like to live to pass another night in. But I’m saying that, as a man without those things, I’ll go, so another doesn’t have to.”

“Just to be clear, you’re saying that–”

“I’ll go to Mexico, extract Elena, and bring her back here to Boston, where she can be safe and with her sister. Is that clear enough?”

“Viktor, what do you think? It’s your right hand man who is volunteering himself.” Connor glances at Viktor. “Is this something you find acceptable?”

“I think I can speak for myself.” My tone is icy. “But by all means, run it past Viktor.”

Viktor smirks. “I’m hard-pressed to send a man like you into danger, it’s true,” he says grimly. “But you’re your own man, Levin. I’m not Vladimir, to tell you where to go and what to do, and where your loyalties should lie. If this is something you think you should do–” he gestures, shrugging. “Then I have no doubt you’re the best man for the job.”

“Niall?” Connor glances at him. “You’ll trust Volkov with this task?”

Niall nods. “Aye, of course. I’d trust him to have my back any fuckin’ day, and I’d trust him with Elena, for certain.”

“Well then.” Connor looks around the table. “It’s settled then, men? We send backup to the Santiagos, and Levin uses that opportunity to get Elena out and back here to Boston. We’ll inform Ricardo of the plan shortly before he arrives, so he’s aware.”

There’s a murmur of assent, and I can see the relief on Connor’s face, as well as most of the others. It’s been a long day, and it’s good to have the matter settled.

It’s not until I’m back in my hotel room, alone with a glass of vodka, that I’m able to really think about what it is that I’ve signed myself up for–the job that I’ve agreed to do.

I know that it’s nothing that I’m not capable of. It’s dangerous, but I’ve done more dangerous things. It’s more the impulse that concerns me, the way I’d spoken up before I’d even really considered whether I wanted to be taking on this job.

Connor was right, of course. I’ve long had a knee-jerk reaction to women in need of help–especially a woman as young and innocent as Elena Santiago. I’d gamble that there are not many who would deserve Diego Gonzalez as their fate, but I feel certain that she doesn’t.

Still, itwasan impulse, and one that will take me back to a place that I’d thought I wouldn’t return to.

It was one thing to go to Greece, to Tokyo, to Paris in search of Anastasia, when Liam needed help finding the woman he loved. It was one thing to go back to Moscow to try and help Max save Sasha, to follow them to Italy and back to Santorini. But Mexico–

There are plenty of countries with memories of her, both good and bad. Moscow was the worst–but Moscow had been my home long before her. Tokyo, too, was a place where I can’t shake her ghost, even if I wanted to. I’d gone there because I’d had to, because I was already on the hunt, and it was too late to turn back.

It’s hard to say where I’d fallen in love with Lidiya, exactly. But I know of all the places that I’d least wanted to return to, to revisit the ghosts of the past, Mexico was the one that came to mind first.