Page 16 of Wicked Vow

I expect a housekeeper or butler to open the door, but instead, the tall black wooden door swings open to reveal a tall, thin, beautiful brunette woman that I instantly recognize as Caterina. I’d met her at that gala a little over a year ago, and it feels like a lifetime now. But she doesn’t look much different at all–more relaxed, maybe, but that’s all.

She’s smiling widely as she steps back from the door, ushering us all in. I lead Ruby a little ways into the foyer as Viktor stops and kisses his wife full on the mouth, and then Caterina turns towards us, her cheeks slightly flushed.

“Viktor called ahead to let me know you’d be coming.” She walks straight to me, taking both of my hands in hers as she looks at me with bright, sincere eyes. “I’m so grateful to you for helping Levin and Max find Sasha. She meant so much to me–almost like my own sister. I’m glad she had a sister there to help her. I miss her dearly–but all that matters is that she’s safe now, and without you, it might not have happened.”

“I’m glad I was able to help her.” I bite my lip, forcing back the tears that threaten to well up. I’ve felt alone for so long, and with Caterina’s warm welcome, I instantly feel more at home, a feeling I hadn’t had in so long that I’d forgotten exactly how it felt. “I miss her, too.”

“Well, now that you’re here, I’m sure you’ll see her again once it’s safe.” Caterina turns towards Ruby. “I’m so sorry, I was so happy to see Natalia that I’m being terribly rude. I’m Caterina Andreyvna, Viktor’s wife.”

“Lena Slednaya. I usually go by Ruby, but I’ll answer to either.” Ruby takes her hand, shaking it quickly, with a nervous smile. “I’m glad to meet you. It was very generous of your husband to extend this kind of hospitality–I didn’t expect it.”

“Well, Natalia has helped our family out immensely, and a friend of hers is a friend of ours.” Caterina beams a smile at her. “Now, how about some lunch? I know you must be exhausted–Viktor said your reception was…cautious.” She gives her husband a sideways glance. “But you should eat before you get some rest. Hannah should have lunch laid out by now. Just follow me.”

I feel a little in a daze, thrown back into a life that I’d long since resigned myself to never living again. Even when I’d dreamed of escape from Moscow, I’d imagined a smaller life, something that I could find joy in even if it wasn’t anything like the life I’d lived before. Now, to be back in a world of being waited on hand and foot, I feel almost uncomfortable. I’d gotten used to being independent and feel out of place in a world I’d once been a princess of.

There are platters of food on the long dining room table, as Caterina had said, and we sit down quickly, as she motions to them. “Help yourself, please.”

Viktor clears his throat. “I have to get back to the office. But I’ll be back this evening. Please, Natalia, Lena–whatever you need to be comfortable, it’s yours. I’m happy to have you both here.”

He circles around the table, kissing Caterina once more, and then he’s gone.

“I hope my husband didn’t frighten you too much,” Caterina says, glancing between the two of us. “He can be–stern.”

“Of course not,” I tell her quickly. “He had to be cautious, of course. He wasn’t aware of who had shown up until he’d had a chance to talk to us–and I don’t blame him for not remembering me.”

“And you?” Caterina glances at Ruby. “Are you alright?”

Ruby nods. “A little shaken up, but I understand, like Natalia said. Everything is fine now.”

A quiet settles over the table for a moment, and I look around as I use tongs to put salad in a bowl, reaching for a crustless half of a sandwich on a platter. The house and Caterina and Viktor themselves are a surprise. The house I’d grown up in was elegant and cold, beautifully decorated, but more like a showcase or a museum than a home. But Caterina has made this house, as large and expensive as it is, feel like a soft place to land. Everything is done in natural tones of black and grey and cream and wood, with blues and greens scattered throughout, the textiles soft and inviting, the wood and tile floors gleaming, and the furniture soft rather than stiff. The food is good but homey, and I’ve personally never seen any Bratva husband and wife who touch each other the way Caterina and Viktor do. Bratva marriages are made for power, not love, but it seems as if they love each other. The way he kissed her stays with me as we sit and eat, an ache settling in my chest.

I’d never thought of being loved. It never felt like a future I would have. But now, I find myself wondering if it exists for me, in some possible future.

It feels insane to think about, right now. And it feels even more so that when I think of it, Mikhail’s face swims into my mind.

You can’t love him. It’s not possible. Not after everything he’s done.

But I haven’t stopped feeling empty since I walked away from that room.

“So–” Caterina says delicately, looking across the table at me. “Viktor mentioned that you–” She glances down towards my stomach, and the rest of the sentence is unmistakeable.

I bite my lip. “That I’m pregnant?”

Caterina nods. “I know that’s a sensitive topic, especially considering the…situation.”

I feel my lips twitch with what feels like it could be laughter, but I force it back. I don’t fully trust my emotions just now. “He filled you in on everything?”

“Enough. Viktor and I keep nothing from each other unless it’s something to do with his work that’s dangerous. And he felt I should know enough to be able to make sure you were both comfortable.” Caterina pauses, her face slightly drawn. “I can imagine a little of how you feel, Natalia, after what happened–but not what it must feel like to be having his child. I didn’t know Mikhail, really, when Viktor and I first married, but I know Viktor trusted him. I’m very sorry that he did something so–”

“Reprehensible?” Ruby suggests, and Caterina nods.

I don’t know what to say. I know that I have no way to explain, in a way that will seem to make any sense at all, how conflicted my feelings are about it all–especially when it seems to be so cut and dry to them…and understandably so. “Yes,” I say lamely, twisting my napkin in my lap between my fingers. “I’m pregnant. It’s very early–I haven’t known for very long.”

“You have time to decide what you want to do, then,” Ruby interjects. “I didn’t know, Natalia–”

“I’d only just found out before you came to see me.” I glance over at her. “And I wasn’t going to say anything, with you already so suspicious about all of it. I knew I needed to figure it out on my own. It was too much to put on anyone else.”

“I have a good doctor here,” Caterina says. “She was wonderful through my pregnancy, and it was twins,” she adds with a wry smile. “I know she’ll take good care of you, too–if you decide to continue the pregnancy.”