But I can’t forget this. I can’t run from the fact that she holds the key to getting back the thing I’d lost, the only thing I’d ever cared about, the only thing that mattered enough to me to drive me insane with needing to avenge it.
My family. This time–a family of myown.
I can’t let Viktor hurt her.
I’m aware of how insane it sounds, how insane itfeels–that the woman I’d been planning to take to Viktor for him to kill is now a woman that I can’t let him touch. But everything has changed.
It feels as ifI’vechanged, and I don’t know how to grapple with that.
When I fall asleep again, this time, I dream of something I’ve never dreamed of before. A house, somewhere that I, in my dream, recognize as my own. A child with blue eyes running to me. And with her back to me, in a room that feels like home, a woman with blonde hair. Not white-blonde, not Mika–but honey blonde.
I know, in the dream, that it’s Natalia.
* * *
I wake to Natalia’s hand on my shoulder and the now-familiar sight of a gun pointed at me. “Good morning,” I say sarcastically as she unlocks the handcuffs, shoving them back into her pocket as she steps back.
“Go,” she says sharply, gesturing at the aisle. “I looked, there’s a car on the tarmac. You can take us directly to Viktor’s. I trust you still know where it is.”
“His offices moved,” I tell her drily. “But yes, I know.Iwas the one who was going to take you there originally, after all.”
Natalia ignores the jibe, nudging me forward as I step in front of her. I see Ruby clutching her bag, her face very pale and nervous as she watches me walk past. It occurs to me, as I do, that I could grab her and try to take her hostage before Natalia gets a shot off.
It’s not worth the risk.I tell myself that as I keep going, the likelihood is that Natalia would at least severely wound me before I could get control of the situation, but the truth is, deep down, I’m exhausted.
I don’t have the heart to keep fighting her any longer, and I don’t know what to make of that.
The game is over, and it’s looking as if Natalia might have the final word. I’m no longer sure that that makes me as angry as it should be.
Maybe she’s earned it.
Natalia levels the gun directly at my balls when we’re in the car, her eyes narrowed. “Drivestraightto Viktor’s,” she says, her voice cold and even. “If I get the slightest idea you’re trying anything funny, I’ll shoot. You know I will.”
I believe her, and so I drive.
Back when I worked for Viktor, his offices were located in a high-rise near the docks. Now it’s more of a compound, several buildings just outside of the city with a fence surrounding it and black-garbed security guards near a call box. I pull up to it, and the guards stop us immediately.
“Name and business?” one of them barks as I roll down the window, and I breathe in deeply, knowing there are only a few ways this can go.
I’m fairly certain, since this hadn’t gone according tomyplan, that I’m not going to like it.
“Tell Viktor that Mikhail Kasilov is here. With guests.”
The man’s face looks uncomprehending, as if he has no idea who I am, andthatfucking pisses me off. I hold my composure, though, keeping my expression even and cool, with the attitude that I belong here.
After all, I fucking do.
“Wait there. Don’t move,” the guard snaps, turning as he speaks quietly into his walkie on his shoulder. A moment passes, and then his hand goes instantly to the gun on his hip, his stance and the stance of the other two changing immediately.
“Out of the car. All three of you.”
“It’s okay,” I hear Natalia murmur to Ruby as she steps out of the car, lowering her gunfinally. “We’ll be alright, I promise. I won’t let anything happen to you. Viktor will know who I am, and he’ll respect it.”
“I hope you’re right,” Ruby whispers, her voice trembling, and I can tell she’s on the verge of tears. “I’m trusting you, Natalia–”
“I won’t let you down. I promise.”
Fuck.I don’t want to feel the way I do about her. I don’t want to admire the steel in her spine, the way she doesn’t flinch as the guards cuff her hands behind her back. I let them do the same, knowing there’s no point in fighting it. Viktor only employs the best. They’re going to take us to him, and then I’ll do my best to take back control of the situation.