I laughed inwardly as I removed his shoes and put a blanket over him. Paul groaned at the added warmth and pulled me into his arms and wrapped himself around me. I remembered the first night in the Hudson, he wouldn’t stay the night.But you’ve become such a snuggler, Mr. Crane?I was amused and stayed in his arms through the night.

I left the shower and found Paul dressed in a lightweight gray single-breasted suit and collarless white shirt. He was clean-shaven and charismatic as ever.Much better.

He laid out a pair of hand-stitched lingerie he’d had custom-made in Paris. It reminded me of the time in the shop when he had me model them. Then, he waited to dress me. “Remove your robe, Nadia.”

I slipped off the robe and went to him naked.

Paul kissed my stomach and sucked on my nipples. I shivered. “I feel sexually starved for you, baby.” He bent down to kiss my mound. And I shuddered, my hands clasping the sides of his face. “You’ll make me too turned on.”

“You want me to stop?” So I didn’t move because I didn’t want to stop.

He bent lower to swirl his tongue around my clit, and I moaned. “Mmm, I can’t get enough of you, but we must go.” He sighed heavily, slid the sheer nude thong in place, and fastened my bra. “So sexy, Nadia.”

“These are the dresses Tricia chose.” I picked up the flared, printed midi-dress with the slink-back heels with a small red bag. I put on light makeup and went for a loose ponytail.

“We need jewelry for you and a watch, so you’ll keep time better.”

I pushed his shoulder playfully, and he pulled me in for a kiss.

Paul zipped me up. “All clothes will be elegant and conservative. Not too much PDA, either.”

“I won’t get a butt squeeze?” I joked, but his expression was serious.

“No. This trip is different. We’ll set the tone for how the world will treat you.”

That made sense, and it calmed my heart, knowing this was so important to him.I am important to him.His eyes dulled, and there was something else I had never thought I’d see from him. Fear.

“It’s not going to be easy for you, baby. Aubrey…found it overwhelming…but I need you to tell me when it’s hard….”

My heart ached with the pain Paul still had when bringing up Aubrey. All that pain only comes with love and care. He loved her so much.

I hugged him, and he placed his head on my chest. “I love you, Paul. That’s what I know.”

I hadn’t expected to hear Paul tell me the same back, which wasn’t why I told him. I did because he needed to hear it more. He needed to know he had me.

His eyes bore into mine and our foreheads touched. “I wish I could keep you far from this.” He blew out his breath. Our fingers entwined as he led me off the plane. A red carpet led from the steps to a group of photographers and cameras.

A reporter called out, “Mr. Crane! Rome is excited to welcome you to your special concert. We are pleased to find you’ve come early with your friend?”

We both smiled, expecting the question. “Rome is for lovers, and I want my Nadia to enjoy Rome,” Paul answered and squeezed my hand.

“She’s your—”

“Girlfriend,” Paul interjected. “Nadia and I are together.”

The cameras went off like fireworks.

“Her name?” another reporter asked.

“Nadia Sokol.”

Their focus shifted to me. “Nadia, are you excited to share Rome with Paul Crane?”

I smiled. “I’m very excited.”

“What do you do?”

“I study clothing design at the New York School of Design in New York City.”