My face crumbled, and I lowered my head as I walked briskly inside.

Rushing into the bedroom, I found Sophie putting on one of my designer sundresses.

“Sophie, what were you thinking?”She is shameless.

“This is small enough for me. I’ll return it later.”

I pursed my lips. “No. No, you can’t just take one of my dresses.”

“Oh Nadia, you are far too fragile. Here, take it.” Sophie dropped the sundress then pulled her clothes out of her bag.

I’ve never seen Paul so angry at me. I hate this.

“Did you turn off my phone?” I snapped.

She slipped her shirt back on. “It was ringing so much that I silenced it. No biggie.”

I looked at my phone, and there were several missed calls and texts from Paul.

Paul: Tomas and Cecil are in town for Renault’s TV show finale. Since they’re in the building, I thought it would be great if we went to the show and out to dinner with them later.

Paul: Gunnar wants to come and apologize. Can we stop by?

But then, there was a response sent fromme?

Nadia: Yes. Come on over.

I never sent that!

I crossed my arms and glowered at Sophie. “You told them to come over.”

Sophie shrugged. “And they came. So what. Nadia?Seriously,it’s not a big deal.”

I clenched my jaw. “It most certainly is to me. Why didn’t you cover up?” And that was what I really wanted to know.Why did Sophie flaunt her body in front of Paul?

She stared down her nose at me. “Because I didn’t want to.”

I fumed, throwing my arms up. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

She sneered at me. “It means I don’t give a damn. You’re overreacting. I don’t see how I’m the bad person here. I’m sorry you’re embarrassed, but you don’t need to be. He should apologize for barging in and yelling at you for enjoying your place. Or is itreallyyours? I’d say it’s not, so don’t get too comfortable.”

I snorted and stepped closer to her, my eyes darting over her smug face. “Did you think flaunting your nude body would gain Paul’s attention? He doesn’t want you here, Sophie.”

That wiped the smile off her face. “Whatever.”

“Whatever,” I scoffed. “I can’t believe the stunt you just pulled. Honestly, Sophie. You have no boundaries, and I’d like you to leave.”

Sophie flinched but walked out without another word.

I removed my suit and dried off before putting another towel around me and went back into the bedroom. Not only was I a fool for trusting Sophie, but I’d also been careless in giving her full access to the place.What else had she been up to when I changed or swam?I perished at the thought.

Besides that, I was embarrassed. Paul treated me like a child in front of my friends.

It wasn’t long before he walked into the bedroom. I curled on my side away from him. But I knew the discussion about what happened had only just begun.

“I…I want to be left alone. Please give my apologies to everyone.” The last thing I wanted to do was talk about what happened. I needed time to lick my wounds. Sophie played me, and I should have expected it, but I didn’t. However, I couldn’t blame everything on Sophie.

“That’s not how things work, Nadia. We talk things out.” Paul came around the bed so I could see him. He placed his hand on my hip. “I hadn’t expected to find you swimming today.” His voice was much calmer than it had been by the pool.