“Hmm, sure.”

Sophie followed me back into the main bedroom and my walk-in closet. She touched the computer screen that Tricia had installed to help me plan my outfits. The closet was one of dreams with racks of designer clothes, shoes, and designer bags. Paul even recently added a vanity and seating.He spoils me.

Pulling a few new swimsuits from a drawer, I laid them on the center island.

She glimpsed them and blew out her breath. “These are way too big for me. Forget it.”

“Okay. Paul might come over anyway. He’s leaving for LA and always sees me before he goes.”

“Paul Crane’s coming over today?” her voice rose an octave.

“Maybe.”But he won’t be too happy to see you, though.

Sophie smiled brightly. “You know, it would be nice to swim. The sun’s warm enough for a tan. I bet you have cream.”

She left me in the closet and returned a few minutes later with a bottle of suntan lotion I didn’t know I had.

“It was in your bathroom cupboard down the left—exactly where I would’ve stored them. Landon and I are planning a trip to Paris soon. Can I have a look at what you wore there?”

Looking at clothing wasn’t unreasonable, and I appreciated Sophie’s ability to assemble outfits.

I showed her and she leafed through the racks of clothes and shoes. “These shoes are some of my favorites this year. These clothes are custom-made.” She scrutinized the fabric and stitching. “But this can’t be all of your clothing. You barely have anything in here, and you travel? Where are your bags?”

“At another location. I have clothes already in other closets,” I murmured, and my skin warmed. Even to my ears, sharing about other locations was too boastful. And I was immediately ashamed—Mom’s right. I’m becoming too used to Paul’s wealth. It’s not mine.“Paul surprised me with the other clothes when I visited LA.”

Sophie smirked and returned to the clothes, and I checked my phone—nocalls from Paul.“How about we have lunch?”

Sophie sighed. “Sure.” She took out her phone and made a call. “Landon, hello…” She paused and covered the mouthpiece. “Can you order lunch? I want the Mediterranean from Dolce Kitchen. Ask your housekeeper if she has anagiorgitiko.Ifnot, send her out for it. Have her bring out towels for the pool.” She hesitated and waited like she often did when we were dormmates. She ruled the room, and I sought to meet her needs like her personal servant.

I narrowed my gaze at her. “Okay.”Will do.

A ghost of a smile appeared on her lips. “Thank you.”

My housekeeper, Opal, didn’t mind me asking her to arrange the takeout. I ordered a Mediterranean platter, salads, and pieces of bread from the restaurant. And she set it up like a professional. There was a lovely display on the plates with bread, olive oil, and a pitcher I hadn’t seen before for our drinks. She even brought tiramisu for dessert.

“This is lovely, Opal. Thank you so much,” I gushed.

Sophie came over and grimaced. “The cucumbers aren’t fresh. Where did you get this from?”

“The place you chose,” I pointed out to her.

Sophie wrinkled her nose. “Oh, I see. I’m sorry, but can you please return and get a fresher one? Maybe take a car, so we get it quickly?”

I scowled at Sophie. “There’s nothing wrong with that salad. It’s perfect, Opal. Thank you.”

Opal left and I wished I could go after her and apologize. I’d been raised to treat everyone with respect.Sophie clearly had not.

Sophie picked up a cucumber from the platter, and it crunched. “Oh, well. I guess it’s fine.”

I folded my arms. “Yes, it is, and I don’t appreciate you making Opal uncomfortable.”

She huffed. “I always eat at Dolce Kitchen and know they have better salads.”

I frowned. “I don’t care. It isn’t nice. Opal is off-limits. You will not talk down to her or order her around.”

Sophie’s mouth dropped open. “I’m trying to help you set boundaries. Let’s drop it, okay? It’s not that big of a deal.”

I pursed my lips and placed my phone next to my plate.No. You made it one.We kept the lunch conversation on clothes, which was fine by me. Afterward, I left Sophie to change into my swimsuit. When I returned, Sophie was sitting on a lounge chair. I sat on the chair across from her and put down a bottle of sunblock lotion.