The more I stared at him, the more I saw myself. My rare eyes flashed out of the black charcoal eyeliner he put on. My thick black mane, high cheekbones, and full lips pouting out. He created me.

Then I thought of my sweet, loving Daddy sneaking me a burger while I had chicken pox, after rubbing on the calamine lotion. Watching theWizard of Oza hundred times and crooning next to me, singing every song. Standing up for me at school when a teacher said I was too difficult to teach.Hell, he sat next to me in class to help me learn math.Nothing Justus could do or say would make him a father. Yet, I was still curious….

Before I knew it, the concert had ended. My heart jumped in my throat as Paul turned to ask me what I wanted to do.

“I’ll talk but only for a few minutes.” I turned to Xander. “Can I talk to you later about it?”

“Of course, you can,” he said. “Whatever you need. I’m here.”

Paul arranged Xander’s ride with Ben.

“Thank you so much for tonight, Xander. Also for talking to Mom and Dad,” I said as I grabbed Xander in a big hug.

“You’re welcome, girl. I’ll check in tomorrow.”

No sooner had Xander and Ben left, we were once again surrounded by security guards, ready to take us backstage.

Ready to meet the man who might be just as selfish as I’ve always imagined.

There were a bunch of trailers and buses set up. One with the name of the tour and the guitarist from Justus Black’s band leaning against the back of the door. He straightened up when he saw Paul Crane and immediately shook his hand.

“We’re looking for Justus.”

“Not sure where he wandered off to, but he’ll be back.”

“I’m here,” Justus called out. He came jogging up with damp hair and a tracksuit rubbing a towel on his wet hair. He threw it at the guitarist, then shook Paul’s hand politely. He gave me a nod.

“I’ll only speak for as long as you like. Is that okay with you both?”

Paul looked at me, and I nodded. He walked a few steps away, and Laurence appeared and stood beside him.

I tried to come up with something to say, but I drew a blank.

Justus broke our silence. “When I saw you in Paris, I kind of suspected. One of my bandmates showed me photos of you, and I was like damn, you look like a Black. Then I had the DNA tested—”

“By a private investigator without my consent,” I hissed.

“Well…yeah. I had to make sure before I…I messed with our lives.” He lowered his eyelids. “Deep down, I knew you were mine, though; you look like me. Damn, you look more like me than my son.” He shifted on his feet. “It was tricky getting the information from my old lawyers, but anyway, you know I’m… I’m your father—”

“Biologically, maybe, but you’re not my father,” I corrected him.

Darek Sokol was my father and the only one I knew who cared for me.

Justus nodded a few times and pressed his lips together. “That’s right, sorry…Damn, you got me sweating. This isn’t like me. Shit, I don’t know what to say to you. If you have questions. Probably not a good time now.” He scrubbed his jaw and gazed around the parking lot. “But I want you to know you can ask me stuff. I, uhm, can at least give you your medical history.” His deep voice went up an octave.

I shrugged. “I don’t know right now.”

“We were crazy on drugs back then, but that’s not an excuse….” He glanced at me.

I stiffened my jaw. “No, it’s not,” I said curtly.

He bobbed his head. “That’s fair. Anyway, you have my number. We can meet privately, and you can ask anything you want to know. I hope we can talk.”

“Were you with Nora long?” I asked.

“Long?” he rubbed his jaw. “Well, long for me with a chick back then was a week. Nora stayed through the West Coast, and I think the…Southern leg ofthe Fiddling with The Deviltour? I’ll have to look it up.”

Bile rose in my throat. Justus didn’t know or care for Nora.