I knew the song was one of Paul’s from the music catalog he’d given me.

“Sure.” He told her but turned to look at me, and butterflies fluttered my stomach. I waved him on and watched as he strolled with Yasmin on stage for their encore like it was nothing. The crowd broke into a riotous cacophony of cheers.

“Paul’s the coolest man alive,” Xander enthused. “I mean, he just walks out there and plays music.”

I was also caught up in Paul’s confidence and talent. He seamlessly played the guitar for Yasmin as she sang his song.

“Hello, Nadia,” a baritone voice spoke behind me. I turned to see Justus Black standing alone. He tipped his snake-skinned hat, which wasn’t the only flashy thing about him. The man wore a neon suit with no shirt and cowboy boots. His style was over the top but somehow worked with the confidence and charisma he seemed to radiate. But, of course, all that was surface and showmanship. That I could find online anywhere. But what stood out was his violet-blue eyes and smile. They were the same as mine. They reflected back on me, and I hadn’t been prepared. I froze in place.

Justus was slow to bring his hand forward, and I stared at it. He had jewels on every finger.They’re lavish. Excessive.“I hoped you’d show up.”

I absently shook his hand, and my heart hammered against my ribcage. “Hum, Mr. Black.”I need a minute or a million.

He stepped closer and spoke in a softer tone. “I don’t deserve it, I know, but I’d like to speak with you, just give me ten minutes after the concert tonight? I’m parked in the back; Mr. Crane would know where.”

I took a step back. “I’m…I’m not sure….” I stammered.

“Okay. Okay. Well…” He sighed and bobbed his head. “I’ll wait there anyway, but here.” He dug in his blazer and pulled out a business card, then handed it to me. “That’s my direct phone number. You can call that number anytime.”


Those were the words I had hoped for. So many times, I’d imagined a daddy would come to rescue us. When we were cold and hungry. When I was left alone….

A time flashed in my mind. When I was a child, left by Nora somewhere.

My black hair, unkempt and sweaty as I sob, sitting on a dirty bare mattress wearing only a T-shirt. I push the crochet blanket and take-out wrappers around me as mice skirt in and out of the gap under the door.

“Mommy. Mommy,” I cry out. My eyes swollen; my voice hoarse.

Did she forget me? Will she come back?

Maybe Daddy will come. She says I have a daddy.

“Daddy. Daddy, pease….”

Panic and nausea churned my stomach. No dad came and eventually, Nora came back.

Begrudging. Angry. Cruel.

My hands trembled with the card while my conscience told me to rip it to pieces. Justus doesn’t deserve absolution. It’s too late for his offer of any time.

I narrowed my gaze at him and didn’t answer.

“Shit, I messed that up. You have me tongue-tied…Seriously, no pressure, Nadia. I truly hope you’ll be there,” Justus said in a gentle tone. Then, he walked away towards his band, who were playing next.

“Are you okay?” I turned to Xander, who gave me a sympathetic look. He motioned me to follow him to a private corner with Ben next to us. “I heard him. What are you going to do?”

My head pounded, and my stomach muscles twisted in knots. “I don’t know if I can talk to him….”

“Well, then, you don’t have to. Remember you owe him nothing.”

I nodded, but I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. Paul rushed over to me and placed his arm protectively around my shoulder, and I pressed my head against his chest. “He talked to you?”

I nodded and swallowed hard. “Justus wants to talk to me after the concert.”

“Only if that’s what you want to do,” Paul said, just as Xander did. My head filled with questions and bad memories that I wasn’t sure I had made up or were real.No matter what,I need answers.

We went back to the side of the stage and watched Justus do a flip onto the scene that had the crowd screaming and applauding. I had to give it to him for showmanship. He was a rockstar with a commanding presence, strutting and dancing while his drummer pounded on the drums and his guitarist went into excessive solos that would make a jam band grow tired. But the crowd loved him. They sang back with him. And I couldn’t help but imagine my young mom, standing on the sideline, getting swept away by his booming voice and wild energy.Magic Man.