But Mom, Xander, and Dad chatted about festivals, the best bratwursts and sauerkraut, and folk dances. All the while, Mom and Dad’s lives were headed toward a cliff. They needed help and guidance.I can’t go to Paris.

“I’d like to speak to Mom and Dad alone for a minute,” I told Xander, and he nodded. Then, he blew kisses at them and went into the bathroom to give me privacy.

“No way, Nadia. You’re going to Paris,” Mom said before I could speak.

“That’s right,” Dad agreed with her. “What will make me sick is you missing out on your life. I’m proud of your accomplishments and want to see you reach your goal. It would make me feel like I did some good in this world.”

I blinked back tears. “Dad, don’t talk like you’re leaving.” My voice caught.

Mom hugged Dad’s shoulder. “No matter where we are, we’re here and always will be for you.”

I stared at Mom. “I am too.”

“Besides, dapper Dan will get a spaceship to beam us to Paris if we ask,” Dad said and chuckled. Mom even laughed at that, and the knot in my stomach eased a bit. “Seriously, if there was more to share, we would tell you. Besides, a trip to Texas after no vacation for years is a good break for both of us. Now have fun with Xander. Where are you two off to?”

I sighed. “Madison Square Garden.”

I didn’t want to mention Justus Black because he wasn’t significant in the grand scheme of things. My real parents were right before me.

“We went there once. Right?” He gazed at Mom, and they laughed.

“You did?” My jaw unhinged.

“Many years ago. We drove there to see the jam band Baked Bread. It was fun.”

I grinned. “I must hear more.”

Mom chuckled. “Another time, dear. Have fun with Xander.”

“I love you both.”

“We love you more, honey,” Dad said, and Mom echoed him.

We all blew kisses, and I turned off the camera.

My mind filled up with worry and my heart felt too full.Is the trip to Texas a precaution? Is Mom really okay leaving the hospital?It all felt like life was moving faster than I could digest.

“Xander,” I called him.

He came out and sighed heavily. “Agata had mentioned more layoffs, but I didn’t believe they’d ever let her go. She practically runs the place.”

“I know.” My stomach rolled. “She loves the hospital. And how could she sell that van?”Does she have any idea how much that van is worth? I bet she didn’t get anywhere near what it could have sold for.

“I see that look on your face, Nadia. Staying home and brooding isn’t going to change Agata’s mind. She made her choices.”

I clenched my jaw. “How could I go now? I’m furious that she’s keeping things from me, and I feel helpless about Dad’s health. She won’t let me help them.”

“They are putting your dad’s health first by going to see a specialist in Texas. Who knows? Maybe this early retirement is a good thing. After all the things your mom has been through, she’s exhausted. She could always work temp later if she wants to. We need to go.”

I had no choice but to leave the situation for now. I could tell Paul, but his interference would only cause more tension.That leaves that weasel Gunnar.He seemed to have dug up everything about my family. He was bound to know more about the things my parents kept from me. Though I hated speaking with him again, he might be able to give me copies of all their debts and mom’s retirement package. It was invasive, but I didn’t care.I love them and there isn’t a thing I wouldn’t do to save them.

We walked out, and I was about to call Ben when I spotted a Ferrari behind the Mercedes. Laurence stepped out, and then Paul.


He had a jarring gorgeousness. His dark waves were trimmed, but he left the stubble on his face that made him look hotter. Tonight, he was delectable in a leather blazer, fitted white shirt, pipe-stitched trousers, and boots, likea rockstar.He signed autographs and took selfies like one. He was just otherworldly, and I couldn’t believe he was here for me.

I slowed down to not disappoint his fans. Then his head lifted toward me, and electricity charged the air. He gave me a smoldering look, and I covered my wide grin.He’s thinking about sexing me. It’s been forever.