I scoffed. “Three?”

“Jealous?” he joked and cocked an eyebrow.

“No.” I flicked my gaze downward and picked at the lint on a crochet jumper. “I can barely handle one. Well, I could if Paul was in town more.”

Paul told me there was a slight chance he’d return to New York City tonight. Lately, he’d been busy working in Los Angeles to clear his schedule so he could take me to Rome. A joyous escape before the storm, as Paul seems to think of it.

“Well, if you’re sexually frustrated, tell him,” Xander said. “I’m sure Paul would be more than willing to accommodate.”

“I can’t just say that.” I touched my warm cheeks.

“Oh, yes, you can. Believe me, he’d be happy to hear you want him to fuck you.” He flicked his eyes at me and tsked. “You fussed and you’re not even ready to go.”

“Because you take the longest,” I pointed out but left for the bathroom.

While dressing, I went over the basic facts in my head. Nora was seventeen when she had me, which means she got pregnant at sixteen. Justus was thirty and could have gone to prison, though rules are never applied equally. He was a superstar in his prime with a team of lawyers to pay a baby away, leaving Nora and me without a backward glance.He’s scum. So why meet him at all?Because I was still curious.I want to know my whole story. But will Justus tell me?

I put on the outfit I had prepared—a black button-down shirt and jeans. Styling my hair in curls across my shoulders and back. My makeup was mainly pencil and light eyeshadow. Then I returned to Xander. He stopped texting and wrinkled his nose. “You look like you’re going for after-work drinks with your coworkers.”

I pursed my lips. “I’m going to meet my sperm donor, not for fun.” I tried to put it off as a joke, but Xander pulled me into a tight hug. “If you don’t want to meet him, you don’t haveto.You owe him nothing.”

“I know I don’t, but I felt weird about going to a concert and enjoying myself when he’s there. It’s like I excuse the way he treated us.”

Justus knew he had a child out there but didn’t care about me. He never looked for me.Until he saw me with Paul Crane.

“How about a compromise?” He pulled out a scoop neck black sequin shirt. It was probably the most conservative item in his whole closet. I took off my shirt, put it on, and quickly turned in the mirror. “Now I look like the manager taking her team out for drinks.”

“Exactly. A little sparkle to show you’re cool, but conservative enough for your team to not forget to kiss your ass.”

We laughed and eased together, which I loved about Xander. We have both been through tough times with our families, but he didn’t let any of it weigh him down. He not only fought for better, but he also pushed me to do the same. “So, what now? We have a little under two hours left.” Xander checked his watch. “We have a phone call to make. Follow me.”

My brows raised as he strutted over to his laptop and sat at the desk. He patted the seat next to him before turning on the monitor, which was set up for FaceTime.

“It’s time to pull off the band-aid. School ends in a couple of weeks, and you need to tell your parents about Givenchy.”

I tensed. “Dad’s doing well so far, but if I’m so far away and something goes wrong, I’ll never forgive myself.”

“Your parents deserve to hear about your opportunity. They need this good news. Now, let’s do it. I’m here with you for support.”

I knew he was right. My parents would be more upset that I kept the internship from them.

Xander set the lights and pressed the button to connect the cameras. My heart leaped at Dad sitting up in his favorite chair. His skin was less gray, and he was alert, but he still hadn’t gained much weight.But he looks better. Focus on that.

Mom had brought a chair from the dining room to sit next to him. “What do you think, Nadia and Xander?” she asked, touching her new bobbed hair. She even dyed it wheat blonde and wore a scoop neck with sparkly flowers.

“You look gorgeous, darling.” Xander blew her a kiss.

“You look lovely, Mom.”

She grinned broadly. “So do the both of you. You both look so glamorous.”

“No one asked me what I think, but you both look like you’re dressed up for Halloween,” Dad joked while the rest of us groaned.

“So…I’ve got great news. The kidney is doing well so far,” Dad said with a smile. His movements were stiff as he adjusted in his seat.But it’s early days.

“We see, Daddy,” I said and plastered on a smile. “You’re looking good.”

“You too, kid.” He winked.