“Paul is the same way.” I grinned and lowered my head. It was nice to talk to someone who knew Paul, but still, she must know I was part of an arrangement, and I didn’t want her to feel obligated to pretend that we were in a serious relationship though Paul had promised to give us a chance after the announcement.

“Lily, I’m not…Paul chose me as….” My face burned.

She gave me a warm smile. “I know you’re in love with him, and Paul’s in love with you.”

My mouth dropped open. “What? No. Trust me. Paul is not. He told me he’ll never love again.” I sucked in air and looked down at the marble and stone tiles.

“Paul is scared. He’s afraid he’ll lose someone he loves again. Give him time.” Lily knew Paul well, and I almost wanted to believe that he might love me. I knew he needed me,wantedme, but love? It was better to guard my heart than believe Lily’s words here. Should I explain the situation with Lily? Would she think less of me—think I’m disgusting—if I did?

“You know I have a…contract. We’re dating now, but…” I whispered.

“It means nothing, and I don’t care about them at all. Paul brought you here because he cares for you. Jonas, Darling, and I are delighted to have you, and you’re welcome anytime.”

Lily confirmed what I’d thought. Paul didn’t bring his arrangements to meet his family.He brought me because he cares for me.I hugged her because it meant so much to learn more about Paul and his feelings. To be so warmly welcomed into their home and not treated like I was beneath them or someone to pay to go away.

“Thank you, Lily. I’m grateful to you all. I know not everyone in the family feels that way.”

“Dani is still mourning the loss of Aubrey.”

“They were close?”

Lily shrugged. “I’m not certain because I rarely saw Aubrey. However, I know she asked Dani for advice on how to do everything. She was always trying too hard. Tragic what happened to her.”

The soft notes of a piano drifted toward us, playing The Beatles’ “Something.”

She beamed with pride. “Paul’s playing our wedding song.”

“Do you want to go listen?” I asked.

“If I go, then Jonas will carry me away, and you won’t see us until tomorrow.” She blushed. And it was marvelous to see that the love doesn’t fade away. Lily and Jonas were still in love with each other.

I grinned.So those erotic tales aren’t there just for company.“How about a swim before we eat? It’ll cool you off.”

“With A Little Luck” by Paul McCartney and Wings played, and Lily raised her brows. “Now that’s a new song for him.”

I warmed inside.That’s our song.I didn’t want to become wistful and sad, but a girl could hope that his playing ofoursong meant more. I chose to simply enjoy the beautiful piece and swim with Lily.

The infinity pool led underneath the waterfall, with a small tunnel leading up to a jacuzzi. We decided to stop and get a couple of frosty cocktails brought to us before we dried off, changed, then headed back into the living room. Paul had stopped playing the piano and was playing a game of chess with Jonas.

I went to Paul, who hugged me and pulled me down for a kiss; Lily did the same with Jonas but was pulled down on his lap. Then, he moved a piece on the board and said, “Checkmate.”

“What? No way,” Paul complained, and we all laughed.

Their housekeeper came over and called us to dinner. Darling was already at the dining table. “No kissing, feeding each other, or sitting on laps until after dessert, please.”

“She’s become a regular bossy boot,” Paul half-joked. “I think she’d change those rules for…what’s snorkel guy’s name again?”

“Apollo Sky,” Lily drawled out in a teasing tone.

Jonas groaned as Paul laughed.

“His parents are a fan of Greek myths, I suppose,” I mused.

Paul patted Darling’s shoulder. “A snorkel instructor in the middle of nowhere is probably a playboy.”

“That’s not fair,” Lily scoffed. “He seemed like a nice young man when I took my lesson.”

“Then he has a girlfriend,” Paul countered.