I beamed at her. “I’d love to.”

“Come out when you’re ready.” Lily walked out the door.

My heart lifted. “Okay.”

The spotting had stopped, so I didn’t think it would be a problem now. I checked the suitcase Paul arranged for me, and there was a one-piece, which was surprisingly modest compared to what Paul chose for me to wear at the Hudson. I also took the break to call Mom and see how Dad was doing.

I braced myself, then made the call. Mom answered immediately.

“Hello, my dear. Have you called to check-up on Dad?”

“Yeah, is he home?”

“Yes, but he’s asleep. The doctor said he’s doing better. His body hasn’t rejected the kidney and you know that’s a win for us.”

It was a huge win. After the first surgery, Dad had complications with the donor kidney almost immediately after the transplant.

“That’s great news, Mom.”

“It is, but he’s not out of the woods yet. He’s still on a lot of medications and seeing the doctor three days a week. They’re still continuing with dialysis.”

“How’s dad handling it all?”

“He’s telling his bad jokes to the nurses.”

We both groaned and laughed.

“So, he’s doing better.” A wave of relief washed over me.

“Yes, and I’m cautious, but it’s looking good.” Mom sighed down the line. And I could almost feel the pressure she lived under, being Dad’s carer and working full-time. She had been through so much.

“How are you, Mom?”

“I’m fine, you know me. How are you?”

As usual, Mom never wanted the focus to remain on her. I hadn’t told her about the destroyed dress because she already had so much on her plate. She didn’t need me burdening her with more bad news.

“Good. Paul took me away to visit Lily and Jonas for a surprise break.”

“Oh, he did, did he?” I could hear the disapproval in her tone. “You’re where?”

“British Virgin Islands.”

“Are they mistreating you?” Mom had worry in her voice.

“No. Jonas, Lily, and his sister Darling have all been so nice and very welcoming.”

“Good. Because even if I can’t stop you from seeing Paul, I won’t tolerate anyone talking down to you again. Especially when their son seduced you with money and gifts—”

“It wasn’t like that or only that. Mom, please. I don’t want to argue.”

“I know you don’t. But the Cranes will treat you respectively. That’s what I told Dani Crane when I called her.”

My mouth dropped open. “What? Mom, you talked to Dani Crane?”

“I sure did this morning,” Mom said in a terse tone. “She runs a gallery in Soho and was there when I called. I bet she regrets taking my call now because I told her that she better not ever talk down to you again.”

“You did?” My pulse jumped.