I smiled. “I don’t know about that, but I’d say the same about you.”

Darling had the Crane chiseled features but the softness of Lily’s delicate face. Combined, she was beautiful and would only become more so, I suspected, as she aged.

“Do you snorkel?” she asked.

“Never tried it,” I admitted.

“Sweet.” She rubbed her palms together wickedly. “Paul will take you to try to impress you.”

“He doesn’t need to impress me; I already like him a lot.”

I glanced away.I love Paul.

“Are you having sex with him?”

I tensed, and she sat, smiling innocently, waiting for my answer.Should I answer her?

“Um, yes.”

She cocked a brow. “Do you like it?”

“I don’t think I should answer that.”

She laughed. “Mom already gave methe talkwhen I was ten. I’ve even seen porn online.”

My lips parted.I have no answer for that, either.

“But I didn’t tell you it’s okay to interrogate Paul’s girlfriend,” Lily called from the door. She came in and placed her hands on her daughter’s shoulders. She had changed into a one-piece swimsuit and sarong. I was sure Paul hadn’t told them I was his girlfriend, and I didn’t want to start our friendship being deceptive.

“I’m not Paul’s girlfriend.”

Darling’s eyes widened. “You’re not?”

“Of course, she is,” Lily said and squeezed her shoulders. “And thanks for reminding me to tighten the parent controls on your devices. Dinner is almost ready, and I want you to put away the diving gear you left downstairs.”

Darling groaned but climbed to her feet. She was willowy and at least a foot taller than Lily. She hugged her daughter’s waist. “You’re growing up too fast.”

“Mom, don’t start crying.” Darling turned to me and rolled her eyes. “She’ll tell you her story about how I’m amiracle baby.”

I wanted to ask Lily about it, but it seemed too personal.

Lily let her go and gave her a gentle push. “Go and clean up.”

Darling leaned into Lily’s hands and giggled. “That means she wants to talk to you alone. Nadia said she’ll snorkel.”

Lily’s brows rose, and they both looked at me expectantly.

“Okay, I’ll go.”

Darling twirled and left the room.

Lily shook her head after her. “You don’t have to snorkel if you don’t want to.”

“I always wanted to try it.” I shrugged.

“This is the perfect place for it. I was hoping you’d join me for a swim?”

Lily so casually asked me to join her, like I was an invited guest not some woman that Paul brought to invade their home.