“Did I wake you?”

Wake me?Rubbing my eyes with my free hand, I checked the time—sevenin the morning, four a.m. in California. I hadn’t gone to bed yet.“I’m awake. Are you in town?”

“No. I wanted to ask if you’d come to California. I’d even go to Disneyland.”

I laughed with him and wanted to go, but all my work was in my studio. He would insist on setting me up another one, but then I’d have to explain what happened. Should I tell him?No. Telling Paul about my problems would only make him go over-the-top to fix them, proving the point that I use his influence. I have to be smart about this.“I wish I could, but it’s crazy here finishing finals. What about next weekend?”

“I have to go to Germany, but I bet you’ll be busy.”

I sighed heavily, looking at all the sections of fabric that I cut and needed to sew. “Pretty much.”

“Is there anything I can help you with?”

“No. It’s just college work. I’ll get it all done.”

“I’m clearing up my work for Rome. Are you still excited?”

“I am. Very.”

“How about a compromise? I’ll cancel Germany, and I have an event for us to attend next Friday night in New York. We can make it a date.”

My heart skipped a beat.An official date! I’ll double up on my work and stay up all night. “I’d love to go. I…I miss you, Paul,” I said hoarsely.

“I miss you more, baby. Are you sure you’re okay?”

No. I’m not. I’m furious I can’t go to you; all I want is for you to hold me right now.

I swallowed hard and cleared my throat. “Yeah.”

“Hmm, let me see you. Get on FaceTime.”

I’d always wanted to look my best for Paul, but I was far from it today. My hair was in a messy bun that I hadn’t combed. I tried to remedy that with a brush from my purse; however, I couldn’t cover the dark, puffy eyes that stood out on my pale face.Shit.

I picked up the phone again. “No, please, Paul. I look a mess.”

“Now, I insist on seeing you. Log on, Nadia,” he said in his authoritative tone.

I blew out my breath and went to the computer on the worktable and connected to FaceTime. Paul appeared on the screen, and my heart leaped. But his brows pulled together, and his jaw tightened. “You’re not taking care of yourself. Are you eating?”

I nodded and chewed on my lip.

“What did you eat today?”

I glanced away. “A salad.”I think. “I just look tired because I’ve been working all night.”

“All night? You haven’t gone to bed?” he grumbled in a tone sharp.

I winced.Shit. Why did I tell him that?“I was in the zone and time got away from me—”

“Fuck that, Nadia. I’m coming back now—”

“No. It’s just crunch time, Paul. Please. I need to focus to get it all done, and we’ll have fun on our date.” I plastered on a big smile for him.

He didn’t smile back, and I held my breath, while I imagine he fought against his instincts.

“Trust me, Paul. I’m fine. I’ve got a lot of work. You know how it is when you have to meet deadlines,” I pleaded with him.

He reluctantly nodded. “I’m trusting you, but I’m not happy with what I’m seeing, Nadia. I’ll be there on Friday.”