She screamed down the line when I answered for a few seconds, and I laughed.

“Best in year! Oh, my God. My daughter, the best at a design school in New York City. Are you excited?”

“I am!” I said enthusiastically.

“Congratulations” erupted in many voices behind her.

“I just told everyone at the nurses’ station. I’m so proud of you. See? This is all you, Nadia. You did it.”

“Thank you, Mom, but it wasn’t all me. It was the professors, school….” Paul’s name was on the tip of my tongue, but I didn’t say it for fear she’d say more negative things about him.

The phone muffled. “Sorry, honey. I’ve got to go. I love you.”

“Talk to you later. I love you too.” I spoke quickly before hanging up.

In a way Mom was right. My professors could only bring me so far, I had to be willing to step out of my comfort zone and challenge my art. Though, I wasn’t sure I could have done it without the growing confidence and assurance I got from Paul. Nonetheless, the success was mine.

Therefore, I stopped inside Professor Elan’s class before the next lecture and went directly to the platform where my dress stood with the other winners. There, I took a few selfies with my dress, ignoring the chatter around me.

The cynics could only take my win if I let them.And I won’t.

After classes, I walked a few blocks to Xander’s dorm. His door was slightly ajar, so I knocked and called, “Are you decent?”

A pixie-haired female opened the door wider and blushed. She gave a shy wave to Xander before leaving.

I closed the door and cocked a brow. “You’re back to women?”

“No, I’m back toPaola. My attraction is fluid. Catch up, Nadia.”

“Okay. I’m happy for you and Paola.”

Xander got up from the bed and hugged me. I touched the strands of his hair. It had already grown out of the skull cut and was now a candy-apple-red that he gelled back. “Soft?”

“It’s the good stuff, not like the crap we put in our hair in high school. No crunch or flakes.” He kissed my cheeks. “You look sick. Girl, you need some R and R. Let’s spa, drink, and you can fill me in on all your madness. But first, please tell me you didn’t ruin your life, or I’ll need a drink first.”

“If you mean, am I still with Paul, I am. We made up, but—”

“Leave that for the spa. Let’s talk about your dress being selected as the year’s best. I feel like a proud papa. All those hours making your portfolio and you almost walked away from it all. Trust your success. It’s your destiny.”

We danced around for a few minutes then fell back onto his bed. And I flashed back to Xander and I staying up all night sketching, sewing, and dreaming in my bedroom. We believed New York City would be our starting point.And look at us now.His designs were starting to get noticed. On his wall were photos of stars in his hats and purses, from media around the world.We’re both on our way. But then I remembered what happened in the bathroom.

I frowned and Xander raised his brows. “The students are circulating a petition to get me thrown out.”

Xander snorted. “What in fresh hell?”

I told him about what happened in the bathroom with Kelsie.

He put his hands on his hips. “Jealous bitches gonna bitch. It’s part of the universe balancing success. If you do well, you also inherit a hate mob.”

“But can they get me kicked out of school?”

“They can try, but it will only end in disaster for them. You need to ride it out.”

That was what I thought. Still, when a group coordinates to bring someone down, it can go either way.

“Wait, one thing first. Paul thinks I may be pregnant, and I have to see his doctor on Friday.”

Xander waved his hands for me to stop speaking. “Whoa. Okay. Tell me that story now.”