“What picture? This is Sophie. I thought you were coming over to stay at my place?”


“I’m sorry, I forgot to call you, Sophie. I actually don’t need accommodation now. Paul and I are giving this another shot.”

“Oh, okay…that’s good. But you know if you need a place to stay, you’re welcome. I have more notes from class; I can email them now if you want them.”

“I still have the files you sent.” But from Sophie’s tone, I expected she wanted something else. “Did you need something from me?”

“I do. I already told Landon that you’d come on the yacht trip. I don’t have any friends, so could you please just come for the day? There won’t be any drugs, I promise.”

“I don’t think Paul would approve of me going there.”

“Approve? What are you, a child? He has no control over you. Maybe you need to put your foot down, or he’ll end up walking all over you.”

Paul and I were still working out our new relationship and our arrangement. I had to live within his boundaries, but I didn’t need to explain that to Sophie. Trevor made her do many things I’d consider questionable, like get up in the middle of the night to entertain his friends.

“I like where Paul’s foot is right now. I’ll see what I can do and let you know. Maybe he’ll let me take a bodyguard. It’s the best I can do.”

“Bodyguard? Obsessive much? Landon can hire a bodyguard for you if that’s what you need to get away. But, honestly, it’s a girls’ weekend. We can shop, swim, go to the spa, watch movies, sit in the jacuzzi, eat. We can even design if you want. It’s for fun. You can even invite another friend if that makes you feel more comfortable.”

I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t want to argue with Paul since we just made up. “Maybe if you can give me more notice? Next weekend?”

“I asked for this weekend, and I don’t know if he has another Nantucket trip planned for next weekend. Hold on, I’ll check.”

She came back on the line a minute later. “The next trip is in a few weeks.”

“Then I’ll see.” I pressed the button for the elevator. “Thank you, Sophie. I have to go to class—”

“Wait. Can we hang out, even if it’s not for a day trip? I want to be a real friend now, not just someone you lived with once.”

I was ready to tell her no, but she hadn’t turned me down when I asked to stay with her. It always bothered me that I had no girlfriends.On the other hand,Paul dislikes and does not trust Sophie.It would be foolish for me to press the issue of the Nantucket trip, and I don’t want to undo our new place. I wasn’t completely sure I trusted Sophie, but she might be the only person who understood the complexity of the situation with Paul.And should I shut that door?

“Okay, well…how about we have lunch at my place soon?”

“Great, Nadia. I look forward to it.”

When I walked into Professor Elan’s class a few days later, she sprang from her seat. “You’re finally here.”

I was early, but she gestured for me to follow her to the platform display. There, she turned around my copper couture dress, which had a “selected” pin on it. “The panel has selected your dress as one of the school’s best of the year, and this is your first year. It happens, but not often. You’ll have the young designer interview and be part of the school-end fashion show at Bryant Park. And if that wasn’t enough great news, Givenchy notified me that you were amongst the ten selected for the summer.”

I pressed my chest to refill air into my lungs before I hyperventilated. “Me? That’s all happening tome? Seriously?”

I still couldn’t believe I’d been chosen for the Givenchy internship, but also one of the best in the year? The fashion show in Bryant Park was attended by some of the best in the fashion industry. Its media coverage could go global.

I flashed back to sewing my entry garment in my bedroom for my application to the school. Xander and I both worked together to prepare our applications.Xander had been a shoo-in. But me and my knit jumpsuit….?I smiled inwardly. He’d been so sure I’d make it.

I’d grown and so had my design. My heart pounded so hard I could feel it in my ears. I looked at Professor Elan and shook my head, my trembling hands rose to touch my throat. “Are you sure?”

“I don’t joke, Ms. Sokol.” She gave me an incredulous look. “So, yes.”

I jumped up and down and let out a scream as I spun in a circle. When I started to dance, Professor Elan put her hand up. “Please stop. Celebrate on your own time. But congratulations, Nadia. Keep working hard.”

“But do I deserve it?” I stared at her for validation. I couldn’t help but think of all the other student designers who also had extraordinary designs this term but weren’t selected.

“Stop the doubts; they are useless. Think of your wins as steps, not the finish line. Take advantage of every opportunity you earn, soak up the knowledge, and advance. Build your brand. That’s what you need to think about.”

I held out my arms. “May I hug you?”