“Go to hell.” I hissed.

He finally left the plane.

I stopped near the door to get my body on the same page as my mind before facing Paul. But there was no way I could prepare.

I’m pathetic.

The pilot left his cockpit with Ben. “Sorry, we must disembark.”

Climbing down the stairs onto the tarmac, I spotted Laurence and Paul talking a few feet ahead to Gunnar. I couldn’t make out what they said, but I assumed it wasn’t good because Paul knocked Gunnar to the ground before Laurence broke them apart. My mouth fell open in utter shock. Gunnar climbed to his feet and walked off to his waiting Porsche.


I didn’t know what to do. But then Paul turned my way and my breath caught in my throat. My stomach fluttered with nerves. The man was stunning. Although, I knew my attraction to him had nothing to do with his looks. I wanted to be the one he turned to when he needed a friend. I wanted to be the one who reciprocates his energy and humor and kindness because that’s what friends did.

“All his friends are successful and established in their careers. You’re what, a freshman in college? Seriously, what do you have to offer Paul besides sex? Sure, he’s dying for it now, but that fades, too. What can you give him after that?”

Nothing. There was nothing about me that would warrant Paul wanting tokeepme. He’d had many women before me, and no doubt would have many after me. Returning to him today at his request only meant that I’m simply prolonging the inevitable.

And now I truly know what a broken heart feels like.

“Nadia.” Paul called out to me, and I turned back.

A wildness rushed through my veins as Paul’s gaze homed in on me.

I struggled, wavering at the bottom of the stairs, fighting the urge to go to him.

But how could I return to him now?

I was backed up against the wall. No matter what was decided, I’d lose. If I stayed in his arrangement, I could lose my family. If I left, they would fall into financial ruin.Dad could die.

Just thinking that hurt so much, I couldn’t take it. Mom said she was prepared, but she wasn’t. Dad was the love of her life, and his death would break her. I couldn’t let that happen or stay with Paul because of his family. What I needed was more time to figure things out on my own. However, Paul was done waiting.

He left the side of his limo, and his confident stride spiked my pulse. He was coming, and I had nowhere to run. He was so intense my heart rate sped up to an erratic pace. Before I could react or say a word, he reached me and said, “No one can take you from me.”

He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me tight against him, embracing me. His warmth and scent immersed me in comfort, and I hadn’t known how much I needed it. My body melted in his arms. The barrier I’d thought might be there since I left him wasn’t. There was only his gentleness, and it made me weak.

Paul sighed against me and relaxed his hold. “Let’s go,” he whispered and kissed my forehead. Then, with fluidity, took my hand.

His phone went off as we approached the car, and he stopped to answer. I could see his Givenchy suit had a padlock coat.We were a matching set. His coat locks and mine zips.It was Paul’s playfulness—something I enjoyed, but then again, everything about him was fascinating.

He let go of my hand to remove his jacket, leaving him in his aqua button-down shirt with the collar left open. There was something sensual about seeing his chest through the gap. It made me think of him completely naked.

I inhaled and held my breath, trying and failing to calm my pulse and the rush of lust that heated my skin. The corner of his mouth turned upward before I turned to climb into the car. He reached in and pressed his palm against my back. He was just as eager to touch me. That was the madness between us. It started in Paris, and it never stopped. We had a visceral need to touch each other, and one touch just wasn’t enough. In fact, that primeval need felt more potent than it had before I left.

I stopped and waited for his hand to slide lower, until it moved over the swell of my ass. Hell, he could have yanked up the dress, and I would’ve let him. A shiver went through my body, giving him instant information. He knew just his touch had me needy for more.

Paul inhaled sharply behind me as he absorbed the shiver that ran down my spine.

“Hang on for me, Nadia. I’ll be right back.” He shut the door behind me.

Just like on Paul’s plane, entering his car was like crossing into a different realm. The luxurious interior of plush leather seats was immaculate. And just like his other cars, there was a privacy window, which was already closed. Unlike the others, this car had an L-shape seat across.Large enough to lay down on.Paul was being deliberate. And I was playing right into his charm. My palms nervously moved over my lap. And I felt all the more like a poor mistress with a king. I was his lover, here at his whim and generosity.

I touched the hot skin on my face.What the hell am I doing? I’m supposed to be furious with him, not trying to get him to fuck me.Need I remind myself that I trusted Paul, and he allowed his cousin to dig into my deepest secrets? Gunnar even knew I was a virgin. And if that wasn’t bad enough, he treated me like a prostitute who would sell herself to anyone, including him.

Like my birth mom….

Gunnar degraded and humiliated me. Yet, instead of telling Paul I was done, I let him hold and caress me. Even now, I was desperate for him to do more.That’s because I’m needy, lonely, and insecure.