I squinted at him. “You’re joking with me.”

“Wisconsin State Fair is quite fascinating. I had no idea there were rabbit hopping and best barn quilt competitions. But I’m in love with the cream puffs.”

I laughed jubilantly. “I love the cream puffs too, but I have a sweet tooth. Wow. So you really have been there! My family and I go almost every year. There and Summer Fest, but we have so many festivals during the summer. The State Fair is one of my favorites. It has lots of local artists and great concerts. When did you go?”

Gunnar stared at me with an amused expression and didn’t answer.

I squinted at him. “What is it?”Do I have something on my face?

He smirked. “Sorry. I’m trying to think of an answer that would make you react like that again.”

My smile wilted.Was I being inappropriate?

“Relax,” he said. “It was a compliment.” He called the hostess over and asked for a coffee. “I went years ago. I spend most of my time in L.A. lately, and so does Paul. I suspect he will eventually relocate there. Now that Aubrey is gone, he travels to work with artists, films, television, and streaming series practically every week.”

My stomach somersaulted.Could I lose Paul to the West Coast?Of course, I would lose him anyway, but Gunnar made it sound like that would happen soon. Then again, he wasn’t mine to lose. The arrangement had me so confused.

Gunnar kept focusing on me, and I wasn’t sure what to make of it.Did Paul expect him to report back with my reactions?

I stared out the window. I’ve become paranoid.

The hostess returned with coffee for Gunnar and the Tarte Tatin I enjoyed on our way to Paris.Paul never forgets anything. I thanked her enthusiastically and accepted the plate. Then, glancing over at Gunnar, I discovered he was already staring at me.

I ate the tart and glimpsed him again.He’s still watching me. Weird.

“Do I have something on my face?”

“No. Why do you ask?”

“Because you keep staring at me.”

“Sorry, it’s hard to look away from you. I heard you’re beautiful, but damn, you’re breathtaking. And absolutely oblivious to it.”

I stiffened in the seat.If I didn’t know better, I’d think Gunnar was hitting on me.

He leaned closer. “Oh, I’m sorry. Does a man admiring you make you uncomfortable?”

“You’re Paul’s cousin,” I pointed out the obvious.

“That’s what’s bothering you? You can relax. I knoweverythingabout you, Nadia.” His voice held amusement, but there was also suggestion lingering.

My stomach took a dive. “I highly doubt that,” I told him, but the truth hung between us.

“I’m Paul’s personal lawyer. I’ve made up a fewarrangementsover the years for him.” Gunnar’s response erased any doubt. He knew I wasn’t Paul’s girlfriend; I was kept.

Bile rose in my throat. “Oh, is that so? How manyarrangementshave you made?”

Gunnar stirred cream into his cup. “A few. They’re never long-term—I am free to tell you that. You’re already looking for an exit, right?”

I pressed my lips together and didn’t answer.

“I know you are because Paul told me so. As I told him, no matter how spectacular the mansion, burgeoning the bank account, spending perks, and career opportunity, the woman will never stay with him.”

“Why is that?”

“Because nothing is ever enough when feelings get involved.” He took a sip of his coffee. “Women are never satisfied.”

He’s wrong.I wanted the feelings. I wanted Paul’s love.Is Paul this cynical?