I took care first, smoothing cream over my body. Then, I eased on the silk stockings and garters. After adding the stilettos, I finished with a pencil on the brows and lids and added a touch of lip gloss. Once I brushed my hair into a low ponytail, I was ready to put it on.

Slowly, I stepped into the dress and pulled it up my body. It fit like a second skin, with no pulls or bumps—just sleek sophistication. That was what clothing could do and the very reason why I loved it so much. It had a magical ability to transform. My spine straightened, and I moved with ease and purpose to the mirror. Even before I looked at myself, I already knew I looked amazing. In my reflection, I could see the woman I was beginning to learn. The woman I hoped to become. Elegant. Professional. Confident. Paul had also sent me a little bottle of the Nadia perfume—the scent that was made for me in Paris.

I met Mom at the bottom of the staircase, and her mouth fell open. “Holy crap, you look like a model. You’re glowing.”

I grimaced.Glowing?“It’s the makeup, Mom. You’re stressing me out.”

She laughed. “No, I meant you look absolutely beautiful. I’m in awe.” She took a step closer. “And what’s that heavenly smell?”

I grinned. “It’s called Nadia. Paul had a perfume maker create a special scent for me in Paris. I…I really love it. It had been a great day.” I lowered my eyelids to avoid seeing her disappointment.

“Oh, the perfume suits you. What he did was nice and I’ll just have to accept it.” She blew out her breath.

I kissed her cheek. “Thank you.”

We headed back to the hospital. Mom let me drive, and I realized I missed driving around town.Maybe I’ll get a used car, and work food delivery?

If Paul was willing to change our relationship, then it would mean he would no longer pay me—at least, that was how I saw it. That meant I had to find a job.Unfortunately, no alerts came from the jobs I applied for online.

Even though I was over the moon about the Givenchy internship, I didn’t tell Mom. Mainly because I didn’t know if I could afford to go or if I could, in good conscience, leave Mom to care for Dad alone all summer.

“Everyone is staring at you. Doesn’t it bother you?” Mom asked as we walked inside the hospital.

I noticed a few people staring in our direction. “It’s a dress that captures the eye.”

“It’s all you, my beautiful girl.”

This was why I missed my mom. She loved so unconditionally, so completely—which is also why I hated disappointing her.

Dad had a private room, but the nurse stopped us before we went in. “Agata? The big guy temperature is back down from overnight.”

My eyes shifted to Mom, and she shriveled but quickly morphed her face into a bright smile. “Well, he is a troublemaker…sorry, Nadia. I knew we’d get it down.”

I put on a smile but didn’t like mom not sharing dad’s condition with me.

“How long do we have, Kim?” Mom asked.

“Ten minutes. He needs more rest.”

“Gotcha.” Mom nodded rapidly at her, and she squeezed Mom’s shoulder. “This your beautiful daughter?”

“Yes, This is Nadia, Kim.”

“Not little Nadia. Wow, time flies.”

“Kim just moved from pediatrics,” Mom explained.

“Nice to see you again,” Kim said then left us. Mom hesitated outside of the door and my pulse sped up.If Mom is worried, then it must be bad.Oh, Daddy.

A whimper rose in my throat and Mom wrapped her arms around me. “I’m sorry my reaction scared you. They didn’t return him to dialysis, so his body is coping with the new kidney.”

“I want to stay with Daddy,” I sobbed into her shoulder.

“You can’t, honey. He needs rest. We’ve seen him at his worst, but we give him our best. Help me give him that.”

I nodded against her shoulder, and we wiped our eyes and took a deep breath and walked in. Inwardly I braced myself, trying to see the Dad I remember at his best and strongest. The guy that could move a dresser without help. That wasn’t him here in the hospital. He appeared even more sallow than yesterday. Frail. Old. He had catheters on his heart and neck, and another tucked away under a blanket. He had an IV in his arm. Goosebumps on his arms. He’s cold. Should we give him a blanket?

Mom stopped my hand that reached for a cover. “Not until his temperature stabilizes.”