I rubbed the back of my neck. “Hmm, but I believe you told me everything I needed to know by text—”

“No, I haven’t—”

“Why did you send a car?”

“Because you don’t have a coat with you. Laurence said you left your suitcase, and I know you didn’t return to the Hudson. It’s fifty degrees in Wisconsin.”

He was being downright practical, but I couldn’t stop my mind from thinking that meant he cared about me. My stomach fluttered at this thoughtfulness, and I had to remember why I left.He’s looking for someone else because he only wants me as his private escort.Who knows? Paul probably had a clause in that agreement to ensure I had transportation out of town. “You… you no longer have to check on me. We’re not…together.” I stumbled over my words, unsure how much I could say over the phone.

I had never broken up with anyone before, and I didn’t realize how hard it was. More complicated because I think I’m falling in love with him. And I don’t want to leave him.

“Just because we’re not together doesn’t mean I stop caring for you. Seven hundred miles won’t make you not mine—”

“Stop.” I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Please, stop.”

“Stop what, baby?”Don’t call me baby. Argh.

“Stop acting as if nothing happened. You don’t want me—”

“Oh, I want you, Nadia.” His voice was firm with conviction, no doubt or hesitation. But that was who Paul Crane was. Authoritative, in control, determined, blunt.“Well, I’m not dating anyone.”The Paul Crane I want doesn’t want me.Stay strong, Nadia. You ended things. Stay strong.

“That’s not what you said in your Thunder Media interview—”

“I don’t share my personal life in interviews. Let’s not argue over the phone. The car is there for your visit. I’ll send clothing—”

“I have clothes here, and you’re not listening to me. I don’t need you to care for me anymore, Paul,” I choked.

“I neverneededto; Iwantedto. Still do. But you want everything right now, and my head’s spinning. I won’t be pushed.” He sighed in resolve, and I was sure I lost him.

My nerves frenzied in panic as every little thing we’d done together played out in my head. The way he took a keen interest in everything about me. The gentleness and kindness he showed me. The way we laughed and danced together. The way he touched me, like he could never get enough. I wanted to push him away, but at the same time, I wanted to run to him.I’m such a mess.

“Let’s agree to talk about this after your visit home. You can give me that, Nadia.”

I swallowed hard. All I wanted to do was agree, but that would mean that I’d agree to Paul’s terms—and that he would never let me in and keep me from his heart.

“I’m sorry, Paul…but I should go. Goodbye.” My voice caught, and I let out a sob before I hung up the phone.

It’s over. And now, it’s time to put myself back together.

Without Paul Crane.

Itook a few moments to get myself together before returning to the driver Paul arranged for me. “Sorry, but I won’t be in need of your services.”

The driver gave me a skeptical look. “I get paid anyway. Are you sure?”

Would taking the ride send the wrong message to Paul? Maybe.But the service was already paid for, and money shouldn’t be wasted.My gaze fell on a family of four waiting in the covered shelter for a taxi.

“Can you take them? I’ll pay for it with my own money.”

“Well, no; it’s already paid for, and technically, you’re the person I’m supposed to escort. But—”

“But if you’re my car service, I can have you take someone home for me?”

He took out his cell phone. “I’ll double-check.”

When he returned, he said, “Mr. Crane said to tell you he agreed.”

I blanked my face. It was a slight flex of his control. Still, helping someone else was better than wasting the car service. I approached the family as he spoke on his cell phone. After convincing the family to take the ride, they thanked me. I waved goodbye to them and headed to the bus port.