“Of course he does.” I rolled my eyes, and he laughed.

Honestly, I liked Ben, and I knew him coming here wasn’t his fault. Paul used Ben because he was private and discreet. He was also not easy to turn away.

“So, why do I find you at my parents’ house in the Midwest?”

“You, of course,” he said with a grin. “I have a message from Paul. He changed your flight to his plane.”


“You all right, Nadia?” Mom called over at the tailgate.

I nodded but narrowed my gaze at Ben. “He can’t.” However, with Ben standing there, we both knew he already did.

Ben held up his hands in defense. “Remember, I’m only the messenger.”

I sighed in exasperation. “I know.”

“I’m here to escort you back tomorrow. Paul will meet you at the airport.”

Paul Crane has truly lost his mind. What part of “We are over” does he not understand?

Changing my flight to force me to see him reeked of desperation—and was not like the confident man I’d come to know. He was more or less throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me back to his cave.

I touched my warm face and covered the laugh bubbling up in my throat.

His control should bother me, but it sent a thrill down my spine.

Nothing had changed, so I shouldn’t get my hopes up. All I’d accomplished during the last twenty-four hours was possible accommodation for a week.He hasn’t given me enough time or distance to work out what I do next.

And the fact still remained that as much as Paul Crane mightwantme…my heart was still far too attached, even though his was most definitely not.

Isnapped out of my daze, forgetting that Ben may share my reaction with Paul later. Not that Ben was a spy, but he would tell the truth as he saw it. And to be honest, I wasn’t upset that he was here. Like all of Paul’s bodyguards, he showed me nothing but kindness.

“Nice to meet you, ma’am,” Ben said once I introduced him to Mom. “May I please help you carry your groceries inside?”

She blinked at him. “Uhm, no, that’s okay. Thank you.”

“But they look heavy. It would be rude to stand here and not help you.”

The bag wasn’t that heavy, but Ben was old-fashioned, just like his boss. Women were to be treated like princesses. When I was with Paul, he handled me like I was delicate and precious. While most women would cringe, I basked in it.

“Just let him, Mom.”

She reluctantly handed him the bag, and he thanked her. “So, tell me why Nadia needs a bodyguard and driver?”

“Mr. Crane is high-profile. His close associates have encountered people with poor intentions in the past. He wants to make sure Nadia is safe at all times.”

Ben’s answer was straightforward, and Mom couldn’t argue with his reason. However, she tried. “But you’re also here to take her back to your boss.”

He grinned wide enough to show dimples. “Mr. Crane hired me to escort Nadia wherever she wants to go. I’m not here to force Nadia into anything.”

She nodded. “Good. Because you and your boss have no claim over my daughter.”

I frowned. “Mom, I said I’ll handle it.”

Mom lifted her chin and walked to the back door, with Ben following her.

I took my phone out of my pocket, and a nervous shudder went through me. It was still surreal that I had Paul Crane’s personal number and could call him anytime.That I know him intimately is another thing.