Inside was the deed to the Hudson, signed over to me with the financial portfolio. There was also a bank statement of a deposit of fifteen million dollars.

I stumbled back as the air left my lungs, but I put my hand on the wall to steady my balance.

“Something else happened?” Mom’s eyebrows knitted as she waited for my answer.

My hands trembled as I put the package away. “Just paperwork.”

“Are you sure, Nadia?”

“Yes.” I smiled through the pain because I didn’t want her to feel like she needed to stay, especially since she was leaving to be with Dad, and he needed her more.

“Well, how about I make a goodbye dinner?”

“Okay. I’ll be right there.”

She went to the kitchen, and I stared at the envelope again, waiting to fall apart, but I was numb. Empty. Cold.

It’s over.

When I returned to the house after seeing Mom off at the airport, I felt the impact of what had happened. Paul promised to always take care of me, and he would. But I didn’t want anything from him.

I sat down with the deed, found the page where I’d return its ownership to Crane Enterprise, and signed it. I logged into my account online and transferred all but ten thousand dollars to Crane Enterprises, with a plan to return the rest after I graduated from college. Then I texted Ben.

Nadia: Can you deliver something to Paul? It’s urgent.

Ben: Yes. I’ll be there in ten minutes.

I took a deep breath and then wrote out a note.


I never meant to hurt you. You gave me everything, but I needed you more.

I’ll always love you.



I handed the package to Ben, and he gave me a solemn look. “I’m sorry for your loss, Nadia. Can I get you anything else? You name it. Anything.”

I shook my head.I’ll miss Ben.“Thank you.”

The financial portfolio was more complicated, but there was a card from Gunnar inside the envelope. I took a deep breath and phoned him. He answered immediately.

“Nadia, what the hell are you doing?”

Of course, Gunnar would already know.“Returning the gifts.”

“They are not gifts. It was always part of your contract when a baby is involved, but extra from Paul.”

“I don’t want his money.”

He never got it. I never wanted the money for myself. I needed it to help my parents.

“So, you’re throwing away your future. Why?”

“Money’s not everything.”