“Sure, Dr. Foster. If that’s what you think is necessary. I just want everything to return to normal.”

“I know, Nadia. No doubt you’re feeling very fragile and traumatized by what happened to you. Let’s make sure you’re physically okay, all right?”

We avoided the press by leaving through the back of the building. Mom and I waited for Dr. Foster to come around, and we got into her Subaru SUV.

“You have your internship soon,” Mom said. “We still want you to go.”

I scoffed and stared out the window. “I can’t go. Givenchy may change their mind with all the public gossip around me.”

Mom snorted. “Strangers don’t get to determine your life. You worked too hard to let them take everything away from you. I’ll stay if you need me here.”

“What does it look like having my mom with me?” I shook my head.I’m such a kid.

“You’re my best friend, Nadia,” Mom said. “I see it as supporting you.”

I squeezed Mom’s hand and placed my head on her shoulder.

“Dr. Casey would love to speak with you.”

“I’ll be fine,” I told Dr. Foster.

Then I reminded my mom she was the psychiatrist who rejected me for surrogacy. She hadn’t exactly been wrong. Nonetheless, the only person I wanted to talk to was Paul.

Dr. Foster did an ultrasound and pelvic exam and took blood tests. Afterward, she said,

“You’re healing. Everything looks fine. We’ll put you on the implant.”

“I don’t need it anymore. Our relationship is over,” I mumbled.

“He sent me personally to check up on you. I’d say he’s still concerned about your welfare.”

Paul said I was his, and he’d always care for me. But he didn’t return.I think the writing is on the wall. And I just need to get tougher and keep moving forward.

Ben drove us back to the new penthouse and I was surprised to see several bouquets on arrival.Oh wow. They were beautiful.I took a moment to look at them and the accompanying notes. Lily, Jonas, and Darling sent roses. Bianca and Lorenzo sent Lilies. Tomas and Cecil sent chocolate. I was overwhelmed by their kindness. Paul did have some amazing people in his life.They were his people and would be for life.

“There are wildflowers from Mr. Black,” Opal pointed to another arrangement.

My brows knitted.Justus sent flowers?

There was an envelope tucked in front with a handwritten message.


I’m sorry about what happened to you. Please don’t believe the press. I gave my story because that’s what my lawyers advised me to do. I have lots of regrets in life. One was how I handled things with you.



“You know, I read today that Justus told the press that you were an up-and-coming designer and a kind woman raised in a good family. And that they should leave you to your privacy at this difficult time.” Mom rearranged the flowers. “Just saying, not to make you change your mind on him.”

Justus’s kindness caught me off guard, but I wasn’t going to be fooled again. He blamed lawyers, but the bottom line was he wanted to hide that he impregnated a teenager and left his child. “One good action doesn’t change a lifetime of bad.”

“He’d need to do a lot better, honey I know. but I’d say that was a start.”

I turned to put the card on the hall table but there was a red envelope with my name on the front.Gunnar?

I glanced at Mom, who looked puzzled.