“Could you please inform her? I must get back,” the doctor said, and Mom agreed.

She grinned and took my hands. “Your dad’s out of surgery. It went well.”

I squeezed her hands. “When can we see him?”

“He’s in intensive care, resting. But the doctor said he’ll allow a short visit in a couple of hours.”

I hugged her tight and she rubbed over my back. “Don’t worry, Nadia. They would never have gone ahead if his body couldn’t handle it. It’s a new kidney. We should be happy for him.”

We’d been happy after his first kidney transplant, too. My mind nagged me. No, this is different. He’s going to improve.

Her eyes were filled with fear and worry when we let go. She turned her head away and pressed her fist to her chin.

Mom wanted to be strong for me, but sometimes she needed the same back.

So, I placed my arm around her waist and reminded her of what she told me. “Dad has top specialists looking after him, and like you said, he would never have been selected for another transplant if he wasn’t healthy enough. He’ll be making moon cookies before we know it.”

“Perogies,” Mom corrected me, and we laughed. She squeezed my hand in thanks and we returned to the family room.

While we sat and waited to see Dad, I thought more about moving out of the Hudson. The dorms were awful, but doable. I could search for roommates or rent a room in someone’s apartment. But what I needed was time to search for one. I had so few friends. Isabelle was closer to her due date, and she was involved with Paul’s private surrogate and family planning clinic.He’s searching for a surrogate….

But that’s his private life and he contracted an agreement with me. Do I even have a right to question his desire to have a child?

Buzz.Another text message came through.

Sophie: Hi Nadia, it’s me again. There was an exhibit on textiles at Parson’s School of Design that I think you would have loved. I took a video of it and sent it to you. See, I’m not all that bad. Anyway, we should hang out. Call me.

I stared at her message. I didn’t trust Sophie as she had been hot and cold since we met. If I was honest, mostly cold…unless she needed something. Was that why she was reaching out now?

She apologized for what happened at the sugar baby mixer, and she was nice to me in class, but should I take that at face value and trust more into her hands? I wasn’t the same gullible girl I once was. And I was sure I could handle staying in my old dorm with Sophie for a few days until housing found a new room for me.You don’t have many options, Nadia. Beggars can’t be choosers.

I decided to give her a call.

“Nadia?” she answered on the first ring.

“Yes, it’s me. How are you?”

“Good, good. You?”

“Um, well, okay. I guess….”

“You guess? Is there something wrong?” Her tone actually sounded concerned.But it’s Sophie. She probably wants gossip.

I sighed heavily.She’ll find out anyway. “I’m fine, but…things have changed, and I need to find student accommodation again. Can I stay in the old dorm room for a few nights until I find a new apartment?”

“What happened with Paul Crane?”

I shifted on my feet. “We’re taking a break.”

“Is it because of the Thunder Media interview? I thought that would upset you.” Her voice held a twang of delight that was hard to miss.

Oh yeah. She told me to check it out.I forgot. She wanted it to bother me.

“Never mind. I should go.” My tone turned abrupt.

“Wait! Please don’t hang up. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that how it came out. I just didn’t want you to stay in the dark. It’s best to know what you’re up against when you date a powerful man. Us women should look out for each other. I had a few girls from sugar babies tell me about Trevor using them. So I knew what kind of man I was dealing with.”

Okay. That makes sense.However, I wasn’t fully sold on her.