The heel of a boot pushes into my stomach, and I tumble back onto a pile of my clothes on the carpet.

“Ow!” I wail.

A small, delicate face with long brown hair and large blue eyes comes into view, kneeling before me. She’s an angel.

She crouches down, yanks me away, and then twists my dirty arm to see no mark. “You’re such a drama queen. Grow up.”

I inhale a gulf of stale menthol.

She rubs her puffy eyes. “I’m so tired; I don’t have time for this shit. I can’t do this anymore.” She stands and twists the dial on the wall. “I’m turning down the heater. You can turn it up if you’re cold.”

“But I can’t reach it, mommy.”

“Use a chair. Try.”

A horn blares from outside.

Oh, no! She’s leaving again.

“No, pease…pease, don’t leave me, mommy.”

“It’s please, dummy. Quit your whining; you’re too old to cry. I have to work because of you. If I don’t, we are back outside.” She grabs a suitcase and rolls it behind her to the trailer door.

I run after her, and she stops to turn around, flipping her brown hair over her shoulder.

“That nosy lady left some food. You can eat one cookie. I’ll be back.”

She opens the door, and snow pours in, covering her coat.

“Mommy, don’t go.”

Slam. She quickly shuts the door in my face.

“Mommy. Mommy. Mommy.” I cry and beat on the metal door with my small hands. “Come back.” I climb on the couch and wipe the cold glass. There’s the muffin door where the nice man gives me cookies.

I return to the door, push the lock like Mommy did, and walk outside.

My feet disappear in the snow. Oh, no! I forgot my shoes.

“Cold. Mommy, help me.”

I press the trailer door, but it won’t open again. Then I hear the muffin man singing. The muffin door!

I run to the door, and my small hands pound against it.

“Harvest Moon.” Croons the muffin, man.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

“Open up, pease, open….”

Bang. Bang. Bang.

The sound of someone hitting the bathroom door woke me from my haze. My swollen eyes ached when I opened them.Who’s here? Trevor? Landon?

“Nadia’s not here, Mr. Crane. You can’t just come in here—”

“Out of my fucking way, asshole.”