“And you’re with billionaire Paul Crane? Not likely,” Landon scoffed, then stormed out of the room and slammed the door.


I sat up with a start.Did Landon lock me inside the room?

A creak behind me let me know someone was there. Goosebumps broke across my skin, and a wave of nausea gripped my stomach.

“Looks like we’re alone at last.”

Trevor came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe, steam billowing behind him. His gray hair appeared white because his spray tan was darker than when I saw him at the Lollipop mixer. He adjusted his robe, his wild chest hair nesting in the gap.

“Like what you see, doll?” His lips twisted in a smile.

I shrieked, and my hand fumbled in my purse for my phone and pressed 911.Will that work on a boat? Do I have the wrong code?

“What are you doing?” Trevor snatched my phone and tossed it onto the floor. “Hear me out. I won’t do anything you don’t want to happen.” He flashed his veneers. “I’m in my swim trunks. There’s a private jacuzzi in there.” He pointed to a closed door behind him. “Landon knows I hate spending time alone. But, you know, it’s a stroke of luck he brought you to keep me company.”

I held my waist. “Get out.”

Trevor ignored me. “Listen to me first. Crane bought you, I’m sure of it. So let me give you a counteroffer. I’ll double what he pays you. Maybe not the Hudson. Sophie told us about that, but you won’t be able to live there forever, either. Think ahead. I’ve got homes and money, too. You’ll never have to work again.”

I climbed off the bed and tried to move past him to the bathroom, but he grabbed my waist. “No hiding in the bathroom.”

I gagged and grabbed my mouth, but I had already started vomiting.

Trevor sneered and dropped my waist, shoving me away from him. I stumbled but caught my footing, then rushed to the toilet and emptied the rest in my stomach. Picking up a dry towel, I ran it under cold water and wiped my face and shirt.Great.

“Your pants are stained in the seat. Are you on your period?” His disgust was evident in his tone.

I looked down, and the seat was dark red.Blood. I’m bleeding.

“No, maybe….” I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut. “I think I’m really sick.”

“It’s just your period,” he scoffed.

I opened my eyes and leaned against the sink. “Please tell Landon to get a doctor. I need help.”

Trevor sneered at me. “Stop pretending. I’m not opposed to putting you in the shower and fucking you. You have me too turned on to give up this opportunity because of a little blood.”

I glared at him. “I’m not here for that. Please believe me. I’m in a lot of pain and just want you to get a doctor or nurse. I’m desperate. Please call Paul.”If he’s landed. “Please, Trevor?”

His eyes widened, and he backed out of the bathroom. “You’re serious. No, I can’t. Shit. Why did you come to this party sick?” His face contorted into a scowl. “You better not tell Paul Crane I was here. The party is Landon’s—I’m just a patron. I had nothing to do with it. And I didn’t lay a finger on you.”

A searing pain pierced my abdomen. There were no pads and only paper in the cupboards.

“Can you get a doctor, please?” I pleaded.

Trevor glowered down at me. “No, doll, I can’t. Stop asking.” He pulled out his phone from his robe pocket. “Landon. Something is up with her, and I don’t need more trouble from Crane. I need you to get me off this boat now. I don’t care.” He turned his back to me. “Either get me off or get rid of her.” He added in a loud whisper.

Trevor rushed out, and the bedroom door opened again. I could see Landon before he shut it.Click.I felt a chill as I realized they had locked me inside again. Trevor said to get rid of me before Nantucket.

I stumbled back into the room and moved around the bed until I found my phone, then went back into the bathroom and locked the door. Landon and Trevor will have to break it down to get me.

Another cramp erupted, and it hurt so much that I dropped to my knees, curled on my side. When it subsided some, I typed a message to Paul.

Nadia: I’m in a bathroom in the bedroom on the bottom deck, the second door from the stairs. I’m bleeding and in a lot of pain. I asked for a doctor, but Landon and Trevor refused. Isabelle lied; the party is a sugar baby mixer. They hurt me. I love you, and I’m sorry. Please, Paul, help me.

I pressed send, closed my eyes, and drifted….