My legs buckled as I left the room, and I stumbled into a man who stood in front of the door. “Whoa there.” He caught my arms and helped me balance on my feet. He had to be the youngest of the guys I’d seen on the boat. Though his sandy hair was slicked back with gel, making him appear older. He wasn’t a staff member but wore a polo shirt and khaki shorts, similar to what they had on. He held his hand out for me to shake, angling it to ensure I saw his Rolex. “I’m Landon.”

I licked my dry lips. “You’re Sophie’s boyfriend?”

“Oh, so you know me.” He chuckled. “Who are you?”

“I’m Nadia.”

His smile turned to a smirk. “Oh, I’ve heard a lot about you.” And from his tone, it hadn’t been all good.

I clutched my stomach. “I’m feeling really sick. Do you know if this boat has a place where I can lay down?”

Landon scratched the hair on his square jaw as he took out his phone and typed as he responded. “Some rooms are occupied, so let’s find one that’s not. I usually leave the rooms available so the mixer’s guests can get acquainted.”

I was puzzled. “Mixer? This is your boat?”Of course, it is.

“Yes, it’s mine. It’s Isabelle’s party, but I combined it with one of my Lollipop, I mean, Sugar Cookie mixers. You see, we had to rebrand because of you and Crane.”

“I didn’t know.”Or care.Isabelle lied about renting the boat from East Coast Cruise.She lied about everything.

“I’m over it,” he said in a harsh tone. “No place in Manhattan will let us hold any mixers, but the boat trips work out better…Damn, girl. You’re beautiful. And really sexy.” He leered at me.

I placed my purse in front of my body, and my head spun. Mixer? Sugar Cookie? This party was a sugar baby mixer by the debunked Lollipop. Did Landon take over the company? Sophie said he was a newly wealthy entrepreneur.Like I can believe anything told by either one of them.

Xander had been right. Isabelle played me. What I needed to understand was why.Why be so cruel?I just felt so alone.

I was saddened by Isabelle’s betrayal as I thought about all the ways she’d deluded me. The mixer…making sure I didn’t have Ben with me…I was also angry. She knew Paul wouldn’t want his reputation to suffer by being with someone attending these mixers. Was that why they wanted me on this boat?So Paul would leave me?

My stomach recoiled, and I covered my mouth.

“Don’t vomit here,” Landon barked as if I had control over it.

I swallowed hard to keep it down, and my body shook. “I’m sick. Do you have a medical station?”

“Yeah, somewhere,” he said, absently staring at his phone.

“Can you please tell me where?” I rubbed my arms to heat up.

“Why don’t you relax, sweetheart? I said I’d find you a room,” he snapped.

I could only leave once they docked in Nantucket.I’ll try to rest.

I followed Landon down a flight of stairs to the lowest deck. He stopped in front of a door. Even though we could hear loud moaning from the other side, he knocked on it. The hairs on the back of my neck raised. “Where are we going?”

He chuckled when the door didn’t open, and the moans grew louder. “Obviously not in that one.”

“Obviously,” I grumbled.

He huffed and stopped at the door with lights visible from underneath. “This one’s available.”

“Someone has to be in there if the lights are on,” I pointed out.

Landon opened the door anyway. The room had a queen-sized bed, but the duvet was rumpled as if someone had used it. The flat-screen television was on, and Landon quickly moved to turn it off. One of the doors was closed, and I assumed it was a bathroom. However, I didn’t hear any sound coming from it.

I lay down on the bed and held my cramping stomach. “Can you send a nurse or something?”

Landon glared at me. “You’re fine; just partied too hard, right? You escorts are all the same. Just stop your whining and relax.”

“I’m not an escort,” I gritted.