Paul: You’ll see me in Nantucket. I’ve got a surprise planned for you.

Nadia: What?

Paul: It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you lol. I feel like it’s been forever since we’ve been together. Every time I’m not with you feels like too long.

My heart contracted.

Nadia: For me, too. See you in Nantucket.

Isabelle peered over my shoulder, and I closed my phone.

“Hearts? Oh, my God, howcorny. And what is this about seeing him in Nantucket?” She frowned. “You’re leaving my birthday party early?”

I hadn’t told Isabelle because I expected she’d be upset, even though she had plenty of friends coming to her party. “I’m still there for six hours of fun. I need to see Paul; it’s been two weeks.”

Isabelle rolled her eyes. “Come on, Nadia. Aren’t your warning bells going off? First, Paul cuts your time with friends, then he makes you take a bodyguard. Why? So he can spy on your every move. He’s behaving possessively and oppressively.”

I turned my head, and my stomach muscles twisted.

Was Paul oppressive? Not to me.He always wants to take good care of me and keep me safe.Isabelle didn’t know him or how careful he had to live in public to save his reputation.

“I’m an extension of Paul because I’m dating him. Ben knows how to reach him and every option to make sure I can. We enjoy being together because we’re a couple. When you care about someone deeply, two weeks feels long.”

She put her hands up defensively. “I’m not trying to step on toes, but you’re a grown-ass woman andnotfamous. You don’t need a bodyguard. Just tell him you’ll see him in Nantucket at least.”

“No, Ben’s coming. We’re all traveling from Nantucket. He’s driving us to Southport—”

“I already scheduled a car service to pick us up from here.” Isabelle took out her phone.

“But Ben still has to come—”

“Tell him to meet us at Southport at Gate 6. Okay?”

She waved at the car service driver, who took her bag. I hesitated to give him mine, but gave in. We climbed in the back, and I sent the change to Ben.

Ben: Got it. Gate 6? Are you sure?

“Are you certain it’s Gate 6?”

“Or Dock 10, I think. Tell him to follow the party crowd.” Isabelle took out her phone and made a phone call.

I sent Ben another text.

Nadia: Isabelle said Gate 6 or Dock 10. There should be an East Coast Cruise party boat around there. See you soon.

Since Isabelle was still on the phone, I sent a text message to Mom.

Nadia: Where are you all going?

Mom: Dad and I are going to see Dr. Leo Petraeus. We’ll talk to you later.

Mom told me that things had quieted down, and I was sure they could return to Wisconsin. However, the specialist wasn’t ready for them to leave Texas.And it’s been weeks.Why?

“Dr. Petraeus?” Isabelle repeated, peeping at my messages again.

“That’s from my mom,” I hissed.

“Okay, but why is your mom seeing Dr. Leo Petraeus? He’s an oncologist.”