Xander: Nope. Girlfriends are not that great, Nadia. They always try to cause trouble and make you single. She’ll try to get you to break up. They are selfish. You need to be careful with her.

Xander wasn’t a fan of many women, so I wasn’t surprised at his negativity.

Xander: When is this party?

Nadia: A week from Saturday.

Xander: I’ll be on Fire Island.

Nadia: Fire Hook-Up Island?! What about Paola?

Xander: I’m not letting myself get pinned down by anyone right now.

Nadia: Paola got too close, and you caught feelings. Now you’re running scared.

Xander: Thank you, Dr. Sokol. Going out, LY TTYL.

I closed the text messages conversation.Xander’s a no.I texted Paul.

Nadia: Sorry I didn’t call. Isabelle stayed over. We were collaborating on some swimsuit designs. I miss you.

My phone rang with Paul’s name flashing across the screen, and butterflies fluttered in my chest. “Hey there.”

“How are you, baby? I thought I’d hear from you already. You have me spoiled.”

“I do,” I joked.

Hearing his voice roused a deep longing in me. I wanted to be with him.Miss him.

“So what’s this about Isabelle?”

“We’re collaborating on swimwear to prepare for a promotion party on her birthday.”


“Oh, and she’s staying over tonight, but I limited access to some of the rooms that your stuff is stored. I feel weird about it though.”

“You did the right thing.”

“You like her. Right?”

“I love what she did for her surrogate family. She has a background check on file, and she’s signed privacy agreements. After breeching my confidentiality though, I’m certain she won’t try again.”

“I didn’t mean for her to get in trouble.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“She invited me to her party. It’s going to be on a boat.”I’ll leave out Sophie for now.


“In a couple of weeks.”

“Hmm. I was hoping we could go away. Where?”

“Nantucket. Isabelle said it’s twelve hours round trip, but I’m not so sure I’ll go.”

“If you change your mind, we can leave from Nantucket.”