When I rose, I took a shower and put on a black three-piece pantsuit and boots instead of one of my dresses that I planned to wear to promote my brand. After the video and public feedback, I felt too emotionally raw to handle any more criticism. Paul came out in a similarly tailored black suit.They’ll think I’m trying to be his twin.

“I’ll change—”

“We don’t have time. I came to tell you we need to leave for the theater.”

“Can I skip the press?” I looked at my makeup compact. “My eyes are a little red.”

“You can wear glasses if you feel uneasy, but we’re together. You must rise above it, Nadia.”

“Tough love,” I murmured.But Paul doesn’t love me.

His arms circled my waist. “I watched the video circulating, and you sound beautiful. You presented as playful, and we looked thrilled together, and that’s enough to set some people off. But you can’t let anyone take your power away. I need you with me tonight.”

Paul never said he needed me before, and I wouldn’t let him down. “Okay. I’m going.”

“If the press asks about your singing and dancing, laugh it off. Give them nothing.” He kissed me, and we went downstairs.

Laurence was waiting at the bottom and gave me a fatherly hug. “I always hoped you’d sing and dance. It warms my heart.”

“Thank you, Laurence.” He winked at me, and a bit of the tension eased in my stomach.

“Look after our Nadia while I’m on stage, Laurence.”

“You know I will.”

We were in a limo tonight and pulled up right in front of the press’s red carpet for the event. Paul placed his hand on my back and moved us down the red carpet. I put on a smile as we stopped to pose for pictures together. Then, he stopped for everyone to answer questions about the show.

“It’s a return to the classics.”

They all had the same question for me.

“Did you know you were being filmed singing and dancing with Paul?”

I thought about what Paul said earlier.Don’t be afraid. The world saw a fun, private moment. Their reaction is what’s wrong.“Paul’s playing inspires joy. What was recorded without my knowledge was simply a fun, and what I had thought, private moment.”

“Will you sing and dance again?”

I laughed heartily. “Maybe…”

“I loved it,” Paul kept saying. “She has a voice just like her soul, angelic.”

My spirit shifted when we finally reached his backstage dressing room. I hadn’t crumbled or cried. Instead, I kept moving forward. The people against me wouldn’t win tonight.

“How do you feel now, Nadia?” Paul’s grin was joyous.

“Happy again.”

He nodded. “See? Life moves on. If you had stayed home, it would have weakened you. You’re stronger for it.”

I sent a selfie to my mom and dad with a message.

Nadia: I’m fine!

Mom: We know. Paul was so protective and tender with you. He really cares about you.

My eyes teared, and a lump lodged in my throat. I’d felt restless after my visit home because I was so afraid I’d never get my mom’s acceptance of our relationship.But now she’s willing.And I felt whole.

We walked out, and I saw that the place had already filled up with people.