I turned toward Paul and blinked back tears.

“What is it, baby?” he said.

Mom let out a laugh. “Baby?”

I chewed my lip and showed Paul. And it was too late to stop my parents.

Mom peered at her phone and covered her mouth.

“Forget them. You sing like an angel.” Dad’s eyes shimmered, and my heart ached.

“Thanks, Daddy. I sung it for you,” I murmured.

Paul’s hands circled my waist. “I’m sorry, Agata and Darek, but we’re going to end the call so I can speak with Nadia. How about another time soon?”

“Yes. I think that’s best.” Mom’s eyes filled and Dad hugged her. “We love you, honey, and we’re sorry people are so cruel.”

“Don’t let the bastards get you down,” Dad said. “Keep your head up, princess. We’ll talk soon.”

Paul disconnected the call. “Give me the phone.”

“No, wait,” I muttered. Xander’s name caught my eye.

Xander Superstar: Nadia ate that song! I mean are you deaf? She’s beautiful, talented and has an insanely hot man. Your hate has no effect on that fact. Get a new hobby. (1507 likes)

“Xander has the right response,” Paul said, peering at my phone.

I nodded in agreement, but all I could think about was all the insults my parents read about me. How they called Justus my father and mistaking my singing to please him instead of my real dad. I’d even purposely avoided singing the song Harvest Moon, which Justus sang in Paris though it was one of my Dad’s favorites. I never asked for Justus’s attention. Now his fans think I want a relationship?I don’t.

I was about to close my phone when I saw a photo of me from high school! I was sitting in the hallway alone. I’d been alone most of the time until Xander became my friend.

It was a post from someone called Joshua Merk, but he didn’t appear familiar. He wrote underneath it: “I dated her. She was such a slut.”

“That’s…that’s not true. I was waiting to talk to the counselor that day because I had stayed out sick for a week. I don’t even know who that guy is, but maybe this was from old yearbook archives. I don’t—”

“Nadia, I know more than anyone that it’s all bullshit. Please let it go.”

“But everyone will believe them.” Tears filled my eyes. “I’m a laughingstock. Why did you let me sing?”

He tightened his jaw. “Because I love to hear you sing and dance. Because you’re mine and I don’t give a damn what others think. The public doesn’t get to control how we enjoy each other.”

“Enjoy?” I scoffed. “I’m humiliated. People are hurting my Dad by calling me Justus’s daughter. They are making up lies. If I didn’t sing and dance, then they wouldn’t have anything to say about me.”

“I’m sorry they are being cruel, but even if we did nothing they would have something to say about us, and it’s not over.”

“Do you think it will be mentioned later by the press?”

“Yes. They love anything that elicits a reaction. But don’t be afraid. The world saw a fun, private moment. Their reaction is what’s wrong.”

Paul made sense. It wasn’t his fault. However, it didn’t stop me from feeling sad. “I’m tired. I want to take a nap.”

“Okay, but we have to leave for the show soon.”

I wanted to ask to stay in, but it wasn’t about me. The show was for Paul. He’d gone over and above to make me happy. He brought me here to share his art and life. I was the one who pushed him into going public. But now I was embarrassed in front of so many people.

Why do people believe it’s okay to be so insensitive and cruel?Although, perhaps the real question was the one that I feared the most.Will I survive this level of hatred pointed my direction?

Paul put the covers up when I laid down on the mattress. He kissed the back of my neck and spooned me while I cried softly and fell asleep.