I shrugged. “I don’t know.”

Lorenzo seemed to really care about Paul. I didn’t get the impression that he tried to make trouble for him.

“Lorenzo wants you to see Bernini’s Abduction of Persephone at the Galleria Borghese as a prerequisite for hisRinaldotonight. So we have one stop to make before getting ready for the show. I’m sorry I can’t give you more of Rome on this trip.” It surprised me that Paul thought that I didn’t see enough of Rome. He’d already given me so much.

“No, Paul. I’m grateful for everything I’ve seen. I think it’s a trip to make often, over years, to fully experience all Rome has to offer. I can’t imagine how amazing it must have been to live here.”

“With Lorenzo as a friend, it was. He’s been everywhere, but he’ll never leave Rome. He’s married to it, too.”

We laughed with Laurence, who drove us over to the gallery. Paul was greeted by people approaching him regularly now. But Laurence had a whole team of security that arrived a few minutes later and escorted us inside.

“It’s so odd to be around royalty,” I teased Paul.

“Paul’s piano is well-known here. He’s a star in Rome,” Laurence explained, but Paul remained quiet until we saw the sculpture of the abduction of Persephone by Hades. It was labeledThe Rape of Proserpina, but it was also noted to mean seized or carried off.

Hades was lifting Persephone in the air as she was fighting back. The fear was captured on her face, and the press of his hands on her thigh was remarkably presented in the marble. “It’s so alive…like a photograph,” I murmured. “Am I disturbed to find this representation sensual?” I frowned. “It’s not sensual, though; it’s controlling.”

“It’s Bernini’s intention. He portrays Hades as powerful in his possession and determination.” Paul scratched the stubble on his jaw. “I think I now understand where Lorenzo may take his version of Handel’sRinaldotonight.”

I linked arms with him as we walked back outside. “I read about the show, and I understand the basic premise. The knight Rinaldo’s promised to love Almirena. She’s kidnapped by his enemy Argante and his sorceress mistress Armida, the queen. He sets out on a quest for a magician to free her.”

“But there is more,” Paul interjected. “Armida becomes enamored by Rinaldo and tries to seduce him in the form of Almirena. Argante also falls in love with the grieving Almirena. But in the end, he is conquered, and the lovers are reunited.”

“Why do you think Lorenzo wanted me to see it?”

“Opera is about feeling and emotion, just like Bernini’s art. He must have some element that’s related to Greek mythology and sculpture in his interpretation of Handel’s opera. We’ll be experiencing it together.”

It sounded as if Paul shared many things with Lorenzo.And maybe Bianca?I knew I should drop it, but I was curious. “Did you share partners with Lorenzo?”

“In the past we did, but not for a while. I’m more of a voyeur, and I enjoy watching.”

“Have you watched Lorenzo and Bianca have sex before?”


I scrunched up my face. “Before or after they were married?”

Paul laughed. “Before, but that wasn’t an issue. Yes, Nadia. Watching is not always swapping partners. It’s something enjoyable between consenting adults.”

It was something that he’d missed, and I wondered if that meant he’d introduced me to them to indulge in it again.

“You’d let someone watch you have sex with me?” I said a bit too loud.

Paul chuckled. “You’re having a hard time letting that go. Bianca and Lorenzo were way out of line mentioning that so casually. I’d never force you to do anything you’re uncomfortable doing. I meant what I said to Bianca and Lorenzo; I enjoy our intimacy.”

I bit my lip.But what if I like it?I feel weird asking him about it. “I do, too. I suppose it’s something that you’d do once to make up your mind.”

Paul’s head turned toward me, but he didn’t say anything.

There was a wild part of me that was willing to do anything to make Paul happy. Lorenzo said I’d have to make him do the same for me if I were to have him.

It meant there may come a time when what we had may not be enough. I wanted to think Lorenzo a cynic, but even I found a kernel of truth in his words.

I rubbed the center of my chest soothingly, and Paul wrapped me in the cocoon of his arms and that dread went further away. Yet I couldn’t help but think.

One day, I’ll want more. Will Paul let me go?

“So, what’s on our schedule now?” I changed the subject because I wasn’t sure what to do.