Bianca nodded in agreement. “I am, too. You’re so uptight. There is nothing more beautiful than expressing your pleasure. You must be a passionate lover, Nadia. Is she Paul?”

“Nadia’s eager, enthusiastic, and passionate.” Paul surprised me with his answers.

I blinked at him in utter shock.Oh my God.

“I’d like to see,” Lorenzo said. “But I bet she’s too shy—”

“I am,” I cut him off a bit loudly. “Please stop talking about me.”

They laughed. In that moment I recalled Gunnar’s words about Paul’s friends. I felt young. Inexperienced. Unsophisticated. Unworldly. Was Paul embarrassed? Would he prefer I was more like Bianca?

Bianca sipped her wine. “I was shy once, but I decided it was a waste of time. I enjoy sex and I don’t see anything wrong with sharing it.”

“Yes, and that’s another reason I love you,” Lorenzo told her, and they kissed.

More food came out for us to taste, and we all went back to eating. I tried to suppress some of my pleasure from the food, but I found it challenging. Everything the host brought to the table was a work of art and tasted delectable.

They all paused to watch me take my first bite of the silky pasta in a creamy carbonara. I beamed at Paul, and he leaned over and pressed his lips to mine and swirled his tongue in my mouth, and I was sure I orgasmed. When we parted, he gave me a smile that left me weak. “That is something I want to remember forever.”Oh, my God. This is the best meal I’ve ever had in my life.

Once the plates were cleared away, they served dessert, which was an ice pomegranate sphere that transformed into a beautiful flower.

“Nadia’s dessert looks like you when you’re aroused,” Lorenzo told Bianca.

“Yes, it does.” She glanced over at Paul. “What do you think, Paul?”

“Yes,” Paul murmured.

I raised a brow at Paul.He’s seen Bianca naked and aroused!

Bianca let out a throaty laugh, and Lorenzo joined her. “We’re having fun, Nadia. Does Nadia like to havefun?”

“Nadia is endless fun, but not the fun you are alluding to.” Paul winked at her. I glanced at Lorenzo, and he was already smiling at me.

“Too bad for us, Bianca…Let me borrow your boyfriend for a minute,” he told me.

“Great, then I can talk to Nadia alone.” Bianca clasped her hands together and I smiled.

“Do you work on formal gowns?”

I nodded. “Yes. In fact one of my gowns was chosen as one of New York School of Design’s best of year.”

Her eyes widened. “That’s wonderful. I’m always looking for something that could speak to me. Can you send me your portfolio?”

I grinned broadly. “Sure. I’d be happy to.” She gave me her card and I gave her my number.

“If anything we can be friends,” Bianca added.

I nodded and smiled. “I’d really like that.”

“Such a beautiful smile you have. I see why Paul does whatever he can to make it appear.”

Paul and Lorenzo returned, ready for us to leave. Paul hugged Bianca while Lorenzo hugged me. He whispered in my ear, “Make Paul give you everything, or you’ll never keep him.”

Paul took my hand after saying goodbye to Bianca, and we walked out to the car. “What did Lorenzo say to you?”

“That I must be harder on you,” I half-joked and lied.

“Bianca’s the strongest woman I’ve seen with him. I believe he’s grown up some. But remember, he struggles with love. He doesn’t have all the answers.”