“Are you ready to try it on?” the jeweler asked.

“Do you have a hair clip?” Paul asked me.

I fumbled in my purse, but all I could find was a simple black scrunchie.

Paul let out a chuckle at it before twisting my hair up in a bun. We both knew Tricia had given me fancy hair accessories. He bent down and kissed my cheek, then put on the pendant necklace.

“Take a look, Nadia.”

I lifted my watery eyes to the mirror and took in the necklace. My face flushed in embarrassment. The jewels glittered like my eyes and were so close to the color, it was remarkable. It felt wrong to own something that cost so much just to decorate my neck. In the mirror’s reflection, I also saw Paul. He had a slack expression that I know was caused by my less than enthusiastic reaction. He tried to do something special for me, and I rejected it. I turned around and stood up, placing my arms around his neck. He closed his arms around me, and I melted in his arms. “It’s beautiful and you are so incredibly thoughtful.”

“Thank you, Nadia,” Paul murmured.

“Bellissima,” the jeweler said to us. And after that I sat down and did what Paul wanted because it wasn’t just about me. It was for him.

“Put on the earrings, please,” Paul said with a lift in his tone.

My hands trembled as I put them on.

“This is for your casual days,” Paul said, then picked up the platinum and diamond graduated necklace. “And this one is for tonight.”

I tried it on. He ran his hand down my neck and touched the diamonds, imprinting his touch. His Nadia. Sometimes I felt like a doll when Paul wanted me to be his princess. However, that was a big part of my insecurities. Deep down, I knew Paul accepted only the best for himself and wanted the same for me.

Paul took my hand, and I stood up again, his mouth pressed a kiss on my wrist. “There is so much I want to do for you, baby.”

“I’m spoiled enough, Paul.” I kissed his lips.

“I haven’t even done anything.” He left me to pay for the jewelry. Then came back and placed his arm around my waist guiding me back out on the sidewalk. “The sad part about it all is that I know you love it.”

“I do,” I mumbled. “But I’d be over the moon if you tied a piece of string around my wrist because it’s you.”

“So sweet.” He kissed my forehead. “But I’m not done shopping for you, which means you’re not done. Try to be happy.”

What Paul meant was he wanted me to be happy with him. When we went to Paris, I felt as if Paul tested me to see if I could give him everything he wanted as a companion in his arrangement. He was swept up in passion, and I with his possession. But now, things between us had changed. He’d announced to the world that he was mine. He let the world know how much I meant to him. I needed to also give him room to be the romantic boyfriend in his own way even though his wealth made me feel uncomfortable.

So many times I hesitated outside of the designer shops in New York City, even if I had some money that could afford things. However, Paul as he was, strolled us into Dolce en Gabbana, with Laurence and a couple of other security. The inside was just as decadent as the museums with frescos painted and luxurious baroque furniture to sit on.

Paul was greeted by a man named Elio, who had on an impeccably tailored suit I instantly admired. He greeted me with kisses on the cheek. “For Nadia.”

Paul nodded. “Yes.”

“Tricia has given me your size, and I have clothes to show you,” Elio told me.

There was never a worry about trying things on with Paul. He planned to ensure whatever a shop had I would be able to fit. Paul turned down glasses of wine for us but settled on seltzer waters. When he followed me inside the dressing room, I waited for the nervousness I’d had when first we went shopping together, but it didn’t come.

I slipped out of my shirt and skirt, and Paul smiled.

“What?” I asked, removing my bra to slip on the sequin halter dress.

“You.” He grinned. “It was so hard in Paris, but now you’re topless trying on a dress with me.”

It was because I knew he enjoyed my body and wanted me with him. I didn’t have the fear he was leaving me. I’d let my guard down.

He stood up and kissed me. “I didn’t say that to you to make you stop. Please try on more.”

I nodded and he kissed my cheek, then watched me try-on sequin leggings, lace shirts, and faux fur jackets, blazers.

Paul called to Elio, “Shoes. I need to see the shoes too.”