`Come. Make yourself comfortable while I get you a drink.’ Rafiq gestured to the cushions.

She padded across the rugs, feeling with every step as if she strayed further from the reality of her modern world into a shadowed place where time slowed to the pace of a heartbeat. The aroma of sandalwood scented the air, and even the shadows were painted with rainbow hues from the profusion of exquisite fabrics.

It’s amazing,’ she whispered as she subsided onto a huge brocade pillow, grateful for its soft comfort after the hard saddle. I’ve never seen anything like it.’

‘I’m honored that you approve.’ His deep voice came from above her, and he bent to press iced juice into her hand. Even the glass was decorated with gold filigree.

`Thank you,’ she whispered, her throat suddenly dry as she stared into his hooded gaze. His face was unreadable, but his lips curved into a smoky half-smile that sent her pulse into crazy overdrive.

She took refuge in the act of sipping her drink, lowering her gaze from his. The juice was tart and sweet, unlike anything she’d ever tasted.

It’s a traditional mixture,’ he said. `Pomegranate and melon, with mint and a few other things.’

It’s delicious thank you: The words sounded stilted, as if this polite, meaningless conversation barely masked the brooding, intense silence between them. A silence thick with other messages. All unspoken. All dangerous.

`This morning’s been lovely,’ she said quickly, as he seated himself beside her with the loose-limbed suppleness that made his every movement a study in masculine grace. Ì wouldn’t have thought there’d be so much water here-not when we’re surrounded by desert,’ she babbled, needing to keep the conversation going.

Ìt’s good swimming here too. The water’s invigorating.’ His words were bland but his look seared. Immediately she envisaged them both, naked in the water, and her temperature soared as blood suffused her whole body. She gulped down the rest of her juice and looked round for somewhere to put the glass.

`Here,’ he said, taking it from her and stretching across to place it on a nearby low table.

Too late Belle realized her mistake. Now she had nothing to keep her hands occupied. And more than ever it seemed imperative to have something to concentrate on.

Other than Rafiq.

‘Thanks,’ she murmured. ‘But I didn’t come prepared for swimming.’

Às you wish,’ he said, inclining his head, then letting the silence lengthen. He put his glass down beside hers and leaned back, propped on one elbow, to watch her. `This is your first trip here.

We will do whatever pleases you.’

Whatever pleases me… Belle scanned his handsome face and barely concealed the quiver of pure need that seared through her.

This close to him she breathed in the unique, seductive scent that was simply Rafiq. Every night it tantalized her as she lay against him, frozen into immobility by the fear that a single unguarded movement might shatter the brittle barrier of her self-control.

She wanted him so much.

`Belle?’ His deep, sultry voice was temptation. He took her hand, laid it across his palm and stroked the sensitive skin between thumb and forefinger till her nerves prickled. Her breath caught as she stared at him, mesmerized by the raw passion in his gaze.

`You only have to ask for anything you want,’ he whispered.

Ì want…’ She heaved a sigh as she slammed common sense down on the unspoken need that consumed her. She couldn’t tell him what she really wanted.

But his gaze had dropped to her breasts, drawn by her uneven breathing. Immediately her breasts felt fuller, uncomfortable against the restraint of her bra, her nipples pebbling in instant response to the banked fire of his unblinking gaze. A shaft of white-hot need speared down through her, igniting the core of her desire.

`You want?’ He raised his eyes to hers and she was lost. Defeated by the ardor she saw there.

Ì want…you to kiss me,’ she whispered unsteadily.

He raised her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it, his fiery gaze holding her transfixed. Then slowly he turned it over and pressed an open mouthed kiss on her palm. This time she felt the hot caress of his tongue on the pleasure point at the centre of her hand, and squeezed her eyes shut as the tremor of delight intensified into shudders of fervent need.

Ìs that all you want?’ he murmured against her skin, pressing kisses along each of her fingers.

Belle felt her careful barriers collapse and shatter under the sensual onslaught of Rafiq’s intense caresses and her own longing.