She opened her mouth to argue that this wasn’t really a honeymoon, just a pretend one. But what was the point?

Ànd I’m pleased to hear you’re not pining to return just yet to your ancient trading ship.’ He lifted a huge beach towel from the bench beside the boathouse and wrapped it round her shoulders, enveloping her in plush cotton and a look of approval that heated her all the way to her toes.

`When we go back to the capital I’d like very much if you’d show me the wreck site. I’d planned to visit earlier and see what progress the team had made.’

She tilted her head to one side, assessing. `You’re that interested?’

A lot of people found marine archaeology boring unless it involved bringing up gold. Ancient pottery shards and stone anchors rarely caught the public’s imagination.

Òf course. It’s part of our history. And besides, it’s important to you, Belle. It’s only natural I should seek to learn about it.’

Because I’m your husband. He didn’t say it, but Belle felt the weight of his meaning heavy in the air between them. It set the hairs on her neck on end.

`How long before the new expedition member arrives?’ he asked as he turned away to reach for his towel. Ì don’t want you diving alone.’

Ì never dive alone,’ she said. And then she stopped, her jaw gaping as his words sank in.

`You don’t mind the idea of me going back to work?’

He swung round and met her gaze with raised eyebrows. `You’re a marine archaeologist, and a dedicated one from what I’ve discovered. How could I mind?’

`But as your…wife’ she stumbled on the word I thought’

`That I’d take a medieval view of a woman’s role?’ His lips stretched in that devastating smile that made her insides melt.

`Now, that would be interesting option keeping you secreted in my harem. Seeing no men but me. Awaiting my pleasure.’

A blush of fierce heat scorched Belle’s cheeks as she read the amusement in his eyes. And the flicker of something else something that told her the idea appealed to him, just as it did to some tiny, primitive part of her subconscious. She took a half step back, away from him.

‘I’m afraid not, little one. Unless you’d like to give up your career and devote yourself entirely to me?’ He paused while she tried to unstick her tongue from the roof of her mouth. His tone told her he was joking. Wasn’t he?

`No?’ He reached out and took her elbow in his hand, turning her towards the steps that led up the cliff to the lodge. `What a shame.

But it’s as I expected. My own mother was a qualified pediatrician when my parents wed. She continued to run clinics all through their marriage.’

Ì didn’t know.’ She had assumed that she’d have a battle on her hands when the time came to return to work.

`How could you?’ They reached the bottom of the steps and he gestured for her to go first. `Don’t worry, Belle, you’ll be able to work though perhaps not the same hours you were devoting to the project in the past.’

This was one huge weight lifted off her shoulders. She was still in a bind, tied by a formal marriage contract for the fore seeable future. But at least she’d be able to pursue her career. She’d feared she’d have to opt out of the expedition she’d strived so hard to join.

Impulsively she stopped and swung round. Rafiq was right behind her, his eyes almost level as he stood on the step below hers.

`Thank you, Rafiq. That means a lot to me.’ She wanted to hug him, to thank him properly for being so reasonable.

Ì‘m gratified to have made you happy, Belle.’ His voice was deep and soft, caressing. His gaze held hers and she sucked in a shaky breath. Ìt is a matter of great importance to me that you are content.’

Belle stared, mesmerized by those gleaming eyes. His breath hazed her skin. His body, so close, was an invitation to sensual pleasure she could barely ignore. But, more than that, she felt a glow of happiness, knowing he respected her, cared for her enough to put her needs first. He’d done it time and again. By accepting her insistence on a platonic relationship. By accommodating her need to work. By going out of his way to make this strange new world as wife of the Sheikh a delight rather than a burden.

Her husband really was the most extraordinary man.

Was it any wonder she’d finally done the unthinkable? She’d fallen in love with him.

Belle woke next morning to the pearly light of dawn and for the first time found herself alone in the bed.

It was unsettling.