A large wave caught her suddenly, and wrecked her delicate balance. She felt it go, but couldn’t do a thing about it. In slow motion, it seemed, she tipped over into the warm azure water.

She flicked the hair from her eyes as she surfaced. `Did you see that?’ She turned to call out to Rafiq, only to find him a couple of strokes away, swimming towards her.

Ì saw,’ he said as he stood up. The water was shallower here.

It wasn’t just his shoulders that emerged from the sea, but the wide, muscled expanse of his chest. Belle’s eyes dropped to his burnished skin, to the sprinkling of dark hair across his chest. It narrowed, she knew narrowing down towards his slim waist, and lower.

She knew because she saw him morning and night, gloriously naked as he shared his bed with her. And every time it became more difficult not to reach out and touch him. To trace that fine line of hair, to massage the strong muscles, to investigate that gleaming skin.

He was temptation personified. Just the thought of ‘Belle, are you all right?’

She looked up into his face and instantly turned away, afraid of what she might see there. And of what he’d read in her eyes. Òf course.’ She tried to inject enthusiasm into her voice. Ìt was great.

Just like you said.’ She reached out for the board at the same time he did. His hand settled beside hers large and strong and sinewy compared to hers. Just as his body was larger, harder…

Hell! She had to stop thinking like this. It was driving her crazy.

`Would you like another try?’

`No, thanks. I’ve had enough for one day. Let’s go in.’

Às you wish.’ There was no inflection in his tone, and Belle wondered what was going through his mind. Had he guessed that she’d been thinking about the two of them together? She bit her lip as she headed in to the beach. She hoped she wasn’t as transparent as she felt.

The problem was that they’d spent all this week together, ostensibly honeymooning at a small fortress cum hunting lodge on the isolated north coast. Rafiq had assured her that a honeymoon was expected, and it seemed safer to go through with the charade than invite gossip.

But spending this time with him had only reinforced those feelings she’d tried to ignore. She’d discovered another side to him. A carefree, fun loving man who reveled in simple joys like morning horse rides on the beach and snorkeling at a nearby coral reef. And she’d learned that his smile was just as devastating as his smoldering sensuality when he’d kissed her days ago.

How long ago that seemed.

She sighed and trudged ashore, one hand on the sailboard between them. She couldn’t really be wishing he’d kiss her again, could she?

She’d be mad if she did. Yet more and more she felt her resolve slipping.

How was she to keep a safe distance between them when he was such good company?

He’d even taken the time to introduce her to Arabic. He’d been giving her impromptu language lessons, saying it would give her confidence. The trouble was she was so busy watching his lips form the sounds, listening to the evocative words that spilled like honey from his mouth, that she couldn’t concentrate on their meaning. He must think her the world’s worst linguist.

They reached the shore and Rafiq stowed the sailboard in the boatshed. Belle averted her gaze, concentrating on the play of afternoon light across the water, rather than the fluid grace and strength of Rafiq’s well toned body.

`You miss your work?’ His voice came, rich and deep, from just behind her. `Would you rather be out there now on your dive boat?’

There was an edge to his voice that she couldn’t identify. This was no idle question.

`Not at all. I was just enjoying the view.’ And, amazingly, it was the truth. She’d worked incessantly to build her career in a difficult field, devoting long hours and rarely finding time for holidays.

But this time with Rafiq had been special, despite the difficulties.

Despite the tension that paralyzed her when he climbed into bed beside her, or when she caught one of his intense looks as he watched her. The week had been fun, exhilarating, the perfect antidote to the stress she’d endured. Rafiq had respected her wishes and not forced himself on her. More than that, he’d given her the experience of a lifetime. She’d never felt so cherished.

She swung round and looked up into his still, brooding face.

`Thank you, Rafiq. I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed myself so much. This has been a wonderful holiday.’

The corners of his lips curved up in a slow smile that deepened the grooves beside his mouth and sent a shimmer of longing through her. Ìt is entirely my pleasure, Belle. After all, a honeymoon should be noteworthy.’