Belle woke slowly, her mind fogged by wisps of a delicious dream.

A dream where Rafiq held her close and vowed he’d never let her go.

She squeezed her eyes shut tighter, unwilling to wake and lose that fantastic sense of wellbeing just yet. It warmed her still, cocooned her in a glow of delight. She burrowed down into the bed. Just a little longer.

But waking was inevitable, especially when she stretched her leg and found it sliding not across a pure cotton sheet, but along the hair roughened length of a very hard, very solid and masculine thigh. Her heartbeat revved up and her eyes snapped open.

Warm flesh lay beneath her cheek, and her palm spanned a couple of bare ribs. She blinked. In the night she must have moved. She was spread across Rafiq like a blanket, one leg hitched up over his, her body sprawled as if she couldn’t get close enough to him. Only the thin silk of her nightgown lay between them, and she could attest to the fact that it was no barrier at all. Already her body was alert with the possibilities inherent in this position. The silk had rode up so that her legs were bare, tangled with his. The scent of him was enticing, inviting her to imagine all sorts of things she had no business even to consider.

Already her heart thudded and her breathing shallowed.

Waking up in bed with Rafiq was so tantalizing. So exciting. She wanted to smooth her hand over his firm flesh, learn the shape and texture of his big, relaxed body for herself. Wake him with a kiss and then spend the morning discovering what it was like to be loved by such a man. She suspected it would be wonderful.

Stupendous. Addictive.

And therein lay the problem.

She’d built up too many fantasies about him already. He’d figured as rescuer, protector, noble leader making sacrifices for his people.

He was imbued with the qualities of loyalty and a profound sense of responsibility that she’d always sought in a man and never found.

The qualities her father had so patently lacked.

Rafiq was honest, direct, worthy of respect. He was a man she knew she could trust.

And none of that did justice to the exhilaration she felt when he was near. He wasn’t just a pattern card of virtue. He sizzled with sex appeal; he stalked her imagination as a bold pirate, a seductive sheikh whose hooded bedroom eyes promised pleasure beyond anything she’d known.

He’d got right under her guard, bypassed all her defenses, her common sense and her caution. He confused her and threatened her ability to think clearly. And now she had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that it was more than infatuation she felt for him. Much more.

She bit her lip and tried to marshal her thoughts.

Why had she been so scared to learn he desired her? Why couldn’t she agree to find mutual pleasure in this situation for as long as the marriage lasted?

She’d been astounded to learn he wanted her. He’d kept that hidden so completely that his passion last night had stunned her.

But it wasn’t surprise that made her baulk. Or even the fact that she’d never pursued sex for its own sake. It was the innate knowledge that she’d be giving far more than her body into his keeping. That when she left, as she would have to when this situation was finally sorted out, she was in danger of leaving part of herself behind.

Her heart.

Dry mouthed, Belle faced the truth. She wanted Rafiq to make love to her. But she wanted much more. She wanted him to love her.

She’d stumbled blindly into an untenable situation. If she let him get any closer to her, she might lose her heart to him.

`You’re awake, Belle?’ His deep voice rumbled softly beneath her ear, making her jump guiltily.

Her head swung up and she met his gaze, glinting with an emotion she couldn’t read. Hastily she propped herself up, away from him, shifting back to her side of the bed.

Ì‘m sorry for crowding you. I didn’t mean to-‘

`Shh: His palm covered her mouth and she inhaled the spicy aroma of his skin. Something twisted inside her at his touch.

`No need for apologies, Belle.’ He slid his hand away from her mouth slowly, dragging her bottom lip down with his thumb. Then he stroked his fingers down her throat, lightly caressing and oh so erotic. The green of his eyes sparked brighter, but his face looked grim.

Ì like having you against me while you sleep.’ He dropped his hand. `But since you’re awake it’s time to move. We should get ready.’ He turned to his side of the bed and flung back the sheet.

He was naked, and Belle felt her eyes widen as she caught a glimpse of his massive erection. If her leg had been just a fraction higher as she lay across him…

No, don’t go there.