Belle shook her head. She’d married to help him protect his people.

That was the only reason. Wasn’t it? She’d found him wildly attractive from the first, but she knew he was off-limits and had fought this infatuation with all her strength. She couldn’t have persuaded herself into this position because she wanted him.

Could she?

Her brain was so befuddled by the realization that Rafiq apparently wanted her that she couldn’t think straight. How had it happened?

When? She’d been convinced she was the only one affected by this lightning blast of need. Her blood sizzled with the realization that she’d been wrong. The way Rafiq’s gaze devoured her made it clear he saw more than political necessity in this situation.

`You’re a strong woman, Belle. Too strong to hide from the truth.’

His hand, heavy and knowing, slid across her heated flesh, exploring the neckline of her gown, turning her blood molten.

With his other hand he reached down and enfolded her hand in his long fingers, lifting it to press against the hot skin of his jaw. She felt the fine haze of heat, the slight abrasion where his beard would grow if he let it.

She tensed, registering the dart of pure fire that arrowed straight to her womb, spreading delicious, wanton heat between her legs and up to her burgeoning nipples.


He shook his head, so close she saw her reflection in his eyes.

`Don’t lie, Belle. It doesn’t befit you.’

He dragged her hand across his mouth, licking the centre of her palm. A shock of desire ripped through her, holding her spellbound. He did it again, the gesture slow and intimate. Half-closed lids now hooded the bright awareness of his eyes. In that instant Belle knew she wasn’t fighting him, but herself.

`Don’t be afraid. habibti.’ His words vibrated against her sensitive palm. `You can reach out right now and take whatever you want.’

He drew her hand away from his mouth and lifted his other hand from her body to stand, arms akimbo, watching her. Ìf you have the courage,’ he whispered.

It was a taunt. A dare she’d be a fool to accept. But, heaven help her, right now her senses were singing with awareness of this sexy, stubborn, outrageous man.

She tried to remember all the reasons it would be a mistake to get too close to him. Self preservation, that was one. There was danger in letting him discover her desperate need. Danger in revealing how much she wanted him. Because one day she’d have to walk away from him when this marriage was annulled. And when she did she couldn’t afford to leave with a shattered heart. She had to preserve her distance, her sanity. Her dignity.

One day soon she’d recover from this infatuation.

His eyes met hers, enticing, daring her to act on impulse.

Challenging her to acknowledge the smoking hot desire that shimmered between them.

One kiss. Just one to satisfy her curiosity. After all she’d been through surely she deserved that much? It was so tempting to throw caution and common sense to the winds.

Her nostrils flared as she caught his intoxicating scent. A ripple of awareness shivered through her.

She should play safe. She’d been strong for so long. Surely she could do it for a little longer?

There was a flutter of white as his linen headscarf slipped from her fingers and streamed to the floor.

And with it went the last of her self-possession.

She gave in to the inevitable.

Slowly, deliberately, her heart thudding, she lifted her hands up over his wide shoulders to cradle the back of his head. The sensuous silk of his hair was pure decadence in her hands. Gulping a quick breath, she leaned up and into him on tiptoe, bringing her body against the solid heat of his lean torso. Belle almost stopped then, savoring the delicate frisson of awareness where they touched.

She was nervous, absurdly so. But she wanted more, and now, finally, her need overrode the desperate voice of warning in her brain. She wanted this so badly. She’d lost the power to deny herself any longer.

His lips were smooth, surprisingly soft beneath hers. He tasted like desire. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on learning the shape of his mouth, caressing its edges. She pressed her mouth to his, tugging at his bottom lip till he opened for her and she delved in to stroke her tongue tentatively against his.

She shuddered with delight as he responded, gently teasing and retreating. Tantalizing her with an expertise that should have set off alarm bells. But the sensations were too heady for sensible thought.

Belle pressed herself closer to the hard male body beneath the fine cotton of his robe, reveling in the restrained power of his solid frame. Her hands tightened on his skull as she stretched up to deepen the kiss, but while he accommodated her caress, even kissed her gently back, he didn’t let go. Not the way she craved.