It was a relief to see her animated. She’d been as dazzlingly beautiful as ever this morning, elegant and graceful in her finery.

But he’d had the unsettling notion that something vital was missing. That somehow she wasn’t fully participating. He’d wondered if she was suffering delayed shock when he’d seen her so pale and tense, surrounded by a flock of women in her room. Her gaze had been almost vacant, and she’d moved like an automaton.

He’d sought to reassure her, but he wasn’t sure he’d succeeded.

Òf course you’ll contribute to the arrangements. There will be much to decide.’

Ànd if I decide that I’d prefer a longer engagement?’

He shook his head. Òn that I can’t negotiate. The very purpose of this marriage is to ensure continued stability. If we delay it will be assumed there’s a problem. That the wedding is only a smokescreen.’

`Which it is.’ She clasped her hands tight in her lap and tension radiated from every line of her body.

He remembered the coffee he’d poured and offered it to her. `Here, you’ll feel better when you’ve had something to eat and drink.’

She leaned forward and took the cup, averting her gaze from his.

Ìt will take a lot more than a meal to make me feel comfortable about this.’

`You’ve consented to marry me.’ His voice dropped to a deep rumble. Àre you saying you’re going back on your word?’ He frowned, surprised to discover how anxious he was to hear her confirm her promise.

`No, I’m not backing out,’ she said at last, and then bit her lip. `But surely we can delay a little?’

Rafiq leaned back, watching her intently, ignoring the rush of relief he felt at her words. `The sooner we’re wed the sooner the situation will calm. And the better for all concerned.’

Her eyes met his, and once again he felt a frisson of shock at their impact. It was like seeing a glimpse of paradise.

`We can discuss the details later, with my staff. In the meantime you need to think about who you’d like to invite to the celebrations.

First we’ll arrange to fly your family here. They’ll stay in the palace, of course.’

She would enjoy planning that, having her family about her at such a time.

But the frown pleating her brow told another story. `That won’t be necessary,’ she said, after a long pause. `You don’t want them here?’

Òf course I want them here.’ Her eyes flashed fire at him before she looked down at her coffee and took a quick sip. ‘But the timing is wrong. They can’t attend.’

It sounded like an excuse. Who would not want to come to their daughter’s wedding?

`My jet can be available to bring them at any time-‘

`But they won’t be able to attend.’ She put her cup down on the table with a click. `My sister is expecting a baby.’

`My felicitations. It must be a happy and exciting time for her.’

Belle raised her eyes to his and for a moment he read anguish in her expression. Then she blinked and her expression went blank.

What was going on here?

`Thank you. But there are complications. Rosalie’s condition isn’t as good as it should be, and she’s not allowed to travel, especially with the birth so soon. She’s under doctor’s orders for strict bed rest.’

Ah, now he understood. Obviously the sisters were close, and Belle was distressed that Rosalie couldn’t attend. `We’ll arrange for her to visit as soon as she’s able,’ he assured her. ‘For as long as you wish. But in the meantime your parents will want to be here for the wedding.’

She shook her head. ‘I’m afraid not. There’s only my mother now, and she’s caring for Rosalie.’

Silently Rafiq cursed himself for blundering into her grief. The last thing he wanted was to cause her pain.

Ì‘m sorry, Belle. I hadn’t realized your father was dead. You were very close?’ He still remembered the utter shock of losing his own parents in an air crash when he was little more than a child.

She shrugged, and he saw the jerky stiffness of taut muscles in the movement. There was a twist to her beautiful mouth. Ì thought we were. Until he walked out and left us without a word.’

Bitterness laced her words. It was obvious her pain hadn’t healed.

Rafiq could only imagine how hurtful it must be to face such rejection. He wanted to go to her, pull her close and comfort her.

Yet her brittle composure seemed so fragile. He knew instinctively that she wouldn’t welcome such an advance.