Page 4 of Deny Thy Name

“Nope, seems she forgot.”

His smile dropped. “No, she wouldn’t.”

“Give it up, brother,” Rose said from the bed. “Diane’s probably lost somewhere in one of her lover’s beds.”

“Rose,” Tyler hissed.

“Relax, Tyler, I’m not a child anymore. I’m well aware of both my parents’ indiscretions.”

“Ah, cuz,” he sighed. “You really have grown up.”

I smirked at him, wondering if he could have possibly known just how true that was. Two men came to my room then, and Tyler’s smile dissipated. They must be his goons that were always getting into trouble.

“Can this wait?” Tyler barked at them.

“Sorry, boss, it’s important.”

Tyler sighed and waved them off. Like good little boys they disappeared. He turned back to me.

“We’ll catch up soon, yeah?”

I nodded and he left the room, leaving me with Rose. She was now laying on my bed, the bruises evident on her arms and neck. I wondered if she was letting a man do that to her.

Or if she liked it.

“You know what,” I said to her. “The club sounds good.”

She sat up immediately, a slow smile spreading over her face as she jumped off my bed and headed for the door.

“I’ll have Maria bring some outfits for you.”

“No need,” I told her. “Once the staff notice I have bags to be brought up, I’ll have something devilish to wear.”

Rose smirked at me. I could see she didn’t believe me, but that was okay. I was going to set a lot of tongues wagging, probably taking the attention off her, but that’s just the way it had to be.

I was Jolie fucking Caldwell and I was going to set this city ablaze.

Chapter Two


The Caldwell shithead, Grayson, was running on the beach. Idiot had chosen one of the hardest surfaces to run on to get away from me. After denting my brand new car, he thought he could laugh and run off. Now, my gun was out and aimed at his head.

“No battles,” my cousin Bennett urged. “You know what the sheriff said.”


He was right.

I put my gun away and ran after the fucker. It didn’t take long for me to catch him. I’d grown up on the beach, I knew exactly how to run on dry sand. The wind was picking up, helping me along. He stumbled, probably on a log or a piece of driftwood, and fell face first into the sand. My anger was spurred on by the fact he was running, thinking he could come to our side of the city and cause havoc. I knew this had to be Tyler’s fault.

It was always his fault.

Grayson and his other goon Samuel didn’t do a damn thing without Tyler’s approval.

Grayson turned over as I got to him, his smile fading when he realized I could easily kill him here and now.

I didn’t need that kind of heat on me though. It would be hard to cover, even though everyone on our side of the city knew to keep their trap shut, I knew there would be someone tempted enough by the sheriff offering them a deal on any outstanding or upcoming issues with the law to spill.