Page 54 of Deny Thy Name

“Be sure to leave when Ben tells you to,” I told him. He frowned but he nodded after a brief moment. He knew I wouldn’t ask him unless it was important. My mother came up to us last, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

Amir’s bellowing voice could be heard out in the altar. He was close.

“Go, my love,” she said. “Love and be free of this.”

“When Ben tells you to leave, you make sure you shake that ass into gear,” I told her. She nodded and kissed me on the forehead before pulling me into a tight hug. Something about it felt so final but I didn’t want to dwell on it. I had lost too much recently, I couldn’t deal with someone like my mother dying too. She pulled Jolie into a tight hug too.

“You, my dear, are exactly what he’s always needed.”

Jolie kissed my mother on the cheek and took my hand again. Beth shoved us out the back door and I ran toward Enzo’s prized beast.

A 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle.

No one knew him to drive around in it because he only did it outside of Verona but damn it was a beauty.

I knew I was going to give it back to him as soon as this shit was done but first.

I had someone I needed to pay a visit to.

Someone who deserved everything he got.

Jolie jumped in, and I got behind the wheel, starting the beast up and tearing down the street, past the cop cars parked outside the church, waiting for a take down.

Only we weren’t there.

I moved down the street to my father’s city apartment he shared with whatever girlfriend he had for the moment. Stupidly, he’d told me the code was my birthday a long time ago.

He couldn’t fucking hide.

Marshall Moreno was going to die tonight.


The apartment was dark but I knew he was here. Jolie stood behind me and my eyes adjusted to the dark. I had checked my gun when we’d been in the lobby so the sound of the clicking didn’t startle him to grab his own gun.

We moved through the luxurious apartment, looking out at the city, in absolute chaos, rioters and looters running wild. Everything had turned to shit.

Because Marshall and Edward couldn’t put their differences aside.

Fuck them.

I told Jolie to stay back but she decided to stay close. That woman was never listening to me.

But I was glad to have her close to me.

It was the only place I could protect her.

She held her gun at her side, as we edged toward the bedroom. Marshall was sitting on the edge of the bed. His girlfriend was terrified and clutching the sheets to her body as we entered.

“I was waiting for you,” he said, defeated. “Have you come to beat me?”

“Beat you?” I asked. “Why would I be so juvenile about it?”

“You know they’ll never let you free if you kill your own father.”

“You’re not my dad,” I said quickly. “You never did a damn thing for me, growing up. I may share your DNA, but you ain’t my dad, so this will be easy.”

I aimed my gun at his head, but he didn’t budge. He knew I was coming for him and he had resigned himself to die tonight.